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In my opinion, PUIC as the representatives of Islamic world’s people has to assume its
responsibility to deal with the challenging situation facing us and to closely seek for and explore
comprehensive solution. The works of PUIC then should be revitalized so as to generate the
appropriate responses and solutions. I call for the reformation of PUIC to improve its roles in
advancing Islamic nations. All measures made by PUIC have to reflect accordingly.
I am of the view that divisiveness within Islam is our biggest challenge. Instability and insecurity
are detrimental for Islamic nations to move forward. Our main mission should be to create
unity of Islam as the implementation of the words of Allah, Almighty “…and obey Allah and His
Messenger, and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart; and be
patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” (Al-‘Anfāl: 46). The message is very clear that our unity
is our strength.
In addition, the Prophet (PBHU) brought unity amidst strong tribalism in Makkah with his
leadership and wisdom and the teaching of Islam, we should follow his step and create peace
and unity among Islamic Ummah. Again,. I would like implore all the Ummah to create unity
and harmony just like the Prophet united different tribes in Makkah with with his leadership
and wisdom and the teaching of Islam . We need to see that unity and harmony will lead us
to peace, stability, security, and situation that is conducive to sustainable development, thus
allowing us to realize our shared prosperity. I truly believe that this PUIC forum can contribute
and can partake in the efforts to strengthen unity and congruity in the Islamic world.
As the final part of my address, I would like to share my great expectation towards the 13
PUIC Conference. May this forum formulate concrete steps in the efforts to unite all Muslim
countries of the world.
246 I Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia