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Parliaments are essential pillars of a country’s democratic system, and have a key role to play
against corruption as the institution holding government accountable to the electorate. In terms
of fostering strong partnership, it is important to build and support parliamentary networks,
and work in partnership with the government, civil society, and other relevant stakeholders.
This is where GOPAC takes its role.
As an international network of Parliamentarians focus solely on combating corruption, GOPAC
aims to combat and prevent corruption by strengthening integrity in the Parliament. It provides
peer-support to its member, which are Parliamentarians engaged in combating corruption
throughout the world, by developing practical tools, delivering relevant training, capacity
building, and education to promote methods for fighting corruption.
Since its inception in 2002, GOPAC has been actively involved in global anti-corruption network,
while at the same time fostering a strong anti-corruption partnership among parliamentarians.
Up until now, we have more than 1.000 members worldwide, as well as coordinated networks
through 62 National Chapters and 5 Regional Chapters in Arab, Africa, Southeast Asia, Oceania,
and Latin America. In conducting our programs, we have 5 areas of Global Task Forces: Anti-
Money Laundering, United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), Parliamentary
Oversight, Parliamentary Ethics and Conduct, and Participation of Society.
Let me highlight several GOPAC recent strategic partnerships with parliaments, national
executive branch, international networks, and civil society. Through our GTF Parliamentary
Oversight, GOPAC has been working with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and UN
Development Program (UNDP) in developing a Parliamentary Handbook on SDGs as
guidance for Parliamentarians to successfully implement the SDGs, especially by monitoring
the effectiveness of any development assistance. This handbook is designed to be an easy-to-
use resource, which lists good practices and tools from around the world that can be adapted
as needed, depending on the national context.
This major toolkit was previously launched during the World Bank and IMF Global Parliamentary
Conference in April 2017. It was also piloted through a regional workshop in Jakarta last year,
supported ISDB, UNDP, and Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) with participants
ranging from Members of Parliament of the South and Southeast Asia.
We are now actively promoting and encouraging all Parliamentarians to make use of this
Handbook as a valuable resource in achieving SDGs targets. GOPAC also works collaboratively
with its National Chapters, for instance by supporting the Indonesian House of Representatives
to mainstream the SDGs into their parliamentary works by establishing a special task force
which provides recommendations as well as budgeting and legislative supports in achieving
the SDGs and promoting green economy.
Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia I 301