P. 32
New Asian African
Strategic Partnership (NAASP):
The Way Forward
Commemorating 60 years after the 1955 Asian-African Conference and a decade after NAASP
launched, the Parliament of the Republic of Indonesia has taken the initiative to revitalize
the Bandung Spirit historical significance. This initiative is part of strengthening the role of
Parliament in the multi-track diplomacy, as mandated in Law.
This Conference is designed as a forum for parliamentarians in Asia and Africa to generate new
perspectives and solutions to overcome the challenges of the future; consolidate and strengthen
the role of parliament in the form of South-South cooperation in the context of NAASP; and
to provide a perspective of the parliament in Asia and Africa in the Post-2015 Development
Agenda and the intergovernmental negotiations on various international agreements.
In this session, I would like to highlight that the NAASP is expected to strengthening cooperation
efforts in a broad subject. However, a decade after the initiation of the NAASP, the geopolitical
landscape of both continents has changed.
Africa has now emerged as an African Union. South-South cooperation offers self reliance
among countries in the global south to tackle the common challenges of the 21st century. It
promotes “horizontal partnership” and positioned as the collaborative learning model to share
innovative solution. South-South cooperation aims to advance equitable national development
agendas with due consideration to the local conditions.
Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia I 19