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There can be no peace without sustainable development and no sustainable development
without peace. Sustainable development strengthens peace and more peaceful and inclusive
societies create an environment conducive to sustainable development. Therefore, sustainable
peace is both an enabler and an outcome of sustainable development.
Achieving sustainable development is impossible without peace and security. Peace and
development are continuous processes that require constant efforts of trust and confidence
building particularly in a politically dynamic region such as in the Asia-Pacific. Wars, terrorism
and armed conflicts could bring a damaging impact to development, which will affect economic
growth and hamper the achievement of sustainable development. On the contrary, sustainable
development would appear to be more achievable when security is ensured and peace is well
The implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is also a crucial step
towards a more coherence three pillars of the United Nations, namely peace and security
as well as development and human rights. In that regard the House of Representatives of
Indonesia perceives that it is crucial for APPF parliamentarians to Discuss, exchange views
and share best practices on how to improve cooperation among APPF Member States, as well
as on parliamentary functions (legislation, budgeting, supervision and diplomacy), which will
contribute to the effective implementation of both the SDGs and Sustaining Peace.
It is also important that parliamentarians of APPF Member Countries to work closely with
respective governments, international organizations and civil society in order to seek peaceful
solutions and resolves impending conflicts in the region, since stable situations would provide
an environment that is conducive to sustainable development and sustaining peace.
Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia I 311