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Through these channels, we do hope, that the House of Representatives can provide a better
legislative product which accomodate the best interest of the people. In addition to that, such
online channel will also help to strengthen the parliamentary constitutional functions in terms
of legislative, budgeting and monitoring.
Open Parliament means also as an effort to strengthen trust to public institutions in particular
the parliament. It is widely recognized that public trusts in parliament is commonly low
compare to other public institutions. It’s a common problem to democracies. A recent study
reveals that in most democracies, less than half of the citizens trust parliament. Even in the
United States for example, trust and confidence in the legislative branch, according to the 2018
data pooled by Gallup, reach only 40% and is considered the highest of the past nine years.
While in Indonesia, the Parliament as usual is among the few institutions that receive trust
the least from the public, ranging from 49% (Charta Politica, August 2018) to 60% (ICW-KPK,
December 2018. Note: after Open Parliament Declaration).
At the same time, Indonesian citizens are the most vibrant and active society in terms of
their involvement in the digital world. There are now more than 88 millions of social media
users in Indonesia. If parliament provides the best ways and channels their communication
and interaction properly, we can regain the loss trust from the society. One of such ways is by
promoting openness and transparency within the parliament.
As you may all know, the House of Representatives has now officially joined the global
movement towards an openness regime. Openness and transparency are necessary elements
for democracy to function. We believe that parliament as democratic institution should work
towards openness and transparency not because we should do these but because we need them
to do our work.
Today, we have joined several parliaments in the world that promote open parliament and
actively involved within the OGP cycle and process as well as guided by their principles. We
believe, that it is a necessity for parliament to be open.
We expect you to also join this movement and let us work for a stronger democracies which put
the interest of the people at its heart. I do hope that this two-days event held by the Westminster
Foundation for Democracy, can serve as a tool for all to have the best of knowledge on Open
Parliament and Open Government Partnership and to share the future of practices on bringing
this multilateral initiative to the desk of our respective parliament.
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