P. 64

In other words, we should speak with the same language as the UNCAC has and we need to
                                          be under that umbrella. In the future, GOPAC will seek for a more solid and stronger political
                                          support from those States that have become parties to the UNCAC.

                                          They are the mandate holder in crafting international instrument of which they can support the
                                          implementation of international cooperation in criminalizing grand corruption.

                                          This conference is held at a critical juncture. Just as this organization has bloomed since its
                                          inception, the sustainability of the work of our global network of parliamentarians is being

                                          We need to secure some funding to ensure that  this organization  runs well. The financial
                                          support provided by the people of Kuwait draws an end. That is why we are in dire need of a
                                          new blood to support the core funding of our organization.

                                          in such situation, I bear a grave responsibility to continuing the work that we have. Within
                                          short-term anticipation situation, I will seek the possibilities to establish a Supporting Office in
                                          Indonesia in securing the management of the Executive Committee as well as the Board. In the
                                          longer-term, we will reach out for more options to diversify the funding.

                                          This year marks the symbolic year of political will of change. Last month, the world leaders
                                          gathered in UN pledging for ambitious goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
                                          This month, GOPAC gathers parliamentarians all over the world to adopt ways in criminalizing
                                          grand corruptors within international context. In the forthcoming December, the international
                                          community will address the greatest environmental challenge that mankind ever face: climate

                                          These three things have its strong links as they are cross-cutting issues one to another. They
                                          represent changes, a push to the global community to transform. From poverty to prosperity,
                                          from disaster-prone situation to climate resiliency. All these changes requires one fundamental
                                          action: eliminating corruption whenever it exists and wherever it hides, and we need to do this

                                          In this respect let us applaud the newly-elected Executive Committee, whom with them, I will
                                          drive GOPAC  in strengthening and sustaining the work that we have over the years. Mr. Osei
                                          Kyei Mensah Bonsu and Mrs. Paula Bertol as the Vice-Chairs, Mr. John Hyde as the Secretary
                                          and Mrs Mary King as the Treasurer (she is not here today). Let me also express gratitude
                                          to the support and guidance that has been provided by Dr Nasser Al Sane as the Executive
                                          Committee Member at-Large and Mr. John Williams as the President Emeritus. As the veterans
                                          of this organization, I will seek for your advice more and more in the coming years.

                                               Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia  I 51
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