Page 4 - CEP newsletter 3 2020 FINAL 082620
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Rittal Invests                                 Housing Consortium Begins Work

            in Future                                      The newly formed Champaign   Infrastructure – to review ordi-
            Continued from Page 1                          County Housing Consortium   nances, zoning, lot size require-
                                                           has begun meeting to review   ments, etc.
            and future workforce                           recommendations made in the
            needs, Love said. Here                         Champaign County Housing   Incentives – to inform decision-
            are three examples:                            Market Study, conducted by   making about incentives to sup-
                                                           the Greater Ohio Policy Center   port housing development and to
            Apprenticeships                                (GOPC), to guide Champaign   examine how public financing
                                                                                      could help provide desired hous-
            Rittal, partnering with Ap-                    County leaders on local hous-  ing types
            prenticeOhio and Clark                         ing needs.
            State Community College,                                                  Marketing – to attract develop-
            has three four-year ap-                        The consortium developed this  ers and calculate their return on
            prentices – one in industri-  David Vanderveen   vision statement: Champaign   investments
            al engineering and two in                      County is a live, work and play
            maintenance engineering.   to provide purposeful work”   community that offers residents  The subcommittees have begun
                                   for TAC associates.     a modern, diverse lifestyle in   meeting, and the next full consor-
            David Vanderveen, an                           charming villages and the City   tium meeting, by Zoom, is sched-
            assembler at Rittal for six   UD Partnership   of Urbana. Our community   uled for September 16.
            years, is the industrial     A team of business under-  locations, coupled with our
            engineering apprentice.   graduates completed their   friendly hometown environ-  Consortium priorities include:

            He was looking into re-  senior capstone project at   ment, are assets for residents   •   Prioritize downtown and
            turning to school for engi-  Rittal, for which they won   of all ages.       main street development.
            neering when Rittal an-  the University of Dayton’s                       •   Use economic development
            nounced the apprentice-  2020 Outstanding Opera-  Consortium members are:    tools established by local
            ship. Love says about   tions Senior Team of the   John Brown, Kerry Brugger,   government.
            Vanderveen: “He’s one of   Year Award.         Tim Cassady, Brenda Cook,   •   Protect existing housing
            those hidden gems you                          Doug Crabill, April Huggins   stock and prevent decline.
            have in your organization.   Wolf said he gave the team   Davis, Gene Fields, Lee Hen-  •   Develop creative financing
            He’s growing very quickly   free rein to investigate ways   derson, Terry Howell, Dusty   strategies to promote devel-
            and showing great poten-  to reorganize Rittal’s wood-  Hurst, Todd Michael, Spencer   opment.
            tial in his apprenticeship.”   based product supply chain,   Mitchell, Jamon Sellman,
                                   including pallets. “They   Amber Smith, Andy Yoder and  CEP Director Marcia Bailey add-
            Love adds, “Increasingly   found a vendor that saved   Carolyn Young. Others will be   ed that the housing market study
            there is a drive for appren-  us more than $100,000.   invited to serve on committees.  and the Champaign County
            ticeships, as we have less   They found a solution that                   Comprehensive Plan recommend
            people with technical   we couldn’t, even when we   The consortium formed sub-  encouraging development in or
            backgrounds in the work-  tried several times,” Wolf   committees to focus on:   near incorporated areas to pre-
            place. It’s a great way to   said. Rittal plans to continue     Products – to help determine   serve the county’s agricultural
            grow our capability.” And it   the partnership with an eye   types of housing needed and   environment.

            provides the Rittal appren-  on expanding its talent pool.    ensure affordability    Visit to review the
            tices the chance to ad-                                                   complete study.
            vance their careers while
            being paid and avoiding   KTH Needing to Hire More Production Associates
            debt from education.
                                     Continued from Page 1    •   Emphasizing that associ-  “At KTH we pride ourselves
            TAC Partnership                                      ates stay home when they   on our dedicated workforce,
                                   protect its workforce, Millice   are not feeling well   which is one of the best in
            TAC (The Abilities Con-  said. This includes:                                the industry, as we work
            nection), which serves                           •   Restricting all non-    through labor demand con-
            and employs people with   •   Facial coverings, sanitiz-  essential visitors from     straints and follow COVID
            developmental or physical   ing and social distancing   entering the plant   safe practices,” Millice says.
            disabilities, has placed
            five associates who sup-  •   Moving some work-
            port Rittal’s industrial engi-  stations or placing barri-
            neering team. They cut     ers between work-         Contact Us
            gaskets for IT racks and   stations to ensure proper
            complete other tasks as    distancing                Champaign Economic Partnership
            needed.                  •   Requiring face shields     3 Monument Square
                                                                 Urbana, OH  43078
            Claus Wolf, Rittal’s Sourc-  and masks for associ-
                                       ates who work in pro-
            ing and Procurement        cesses where social       Call us: 937-653-7200
            Manager, said that the     distancing cannot be
            partnership has “helped                              Email us:
            us as a business when      accommodated                Website:;  Facebook: CEPOhio
            hiring for open positions is   •   Hiring personnel whose
            challenging. And it’s      full-time job is to wipe   Twitter: @cepohio; Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., M-F
            helped us to connect with   down high-traffic areas
            the wider community and    several times a day
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