Page 103 - Carrollton 1988
P. 103

Michelle Rodriguez
                 May  18,  1970
             Coconut Grove,  Florida

                                             Michelle ... JOEY ... 4/15/86 ,.. Eu te amo ... Apr. Fool's Day ... Call me when u
                                             get back  ... R u 2 going out?  ...  Yve. I want to wear the black dress ... Friday's
                                             ... Belen Senior Prom '8 6 ... the jeep ... Manny + Grace's house ... so Grace u'r not
                                             going  out?  ...  Juno  Beach+ the  Cuban  Handbook  ...  paris-Ete  '87:ooh-la-la!  ...
                                            Champs Elysees... Carlyle + 1235... Family BBQ's... Thanksgiving'8 6 ... CK+Obses­
                                            sion ... Absolutly... the grimer,,. CCplum ... roll dow n/window ... Breck. skiing-the
                                            art of i t .,. stop+ look  ... Viscaya party ... 6 pd. BF clubs... knock yourself o u t..
                                             . Rich leave me alone!  ... Anne's house .., OBM ... G l... Yve: 2 much 2 write ...
                                            RdlC+Claud: we've had some good tim es... Syl, Mary, Josie, Kristy+ Chris: miss you
                                             guys... Fab+Rich-our lifetime buddies ... Melting pot Experience ... Restaurant St.
                                             Michel  ,..  Hey JC  ...  Spring Break Spuds  ...  Indiantown  ...  Prom  '87  ...  Baccarat
                                            glasses-where have you been all my life? ... Fab's slumber parties ... my 2nd home
                                             ... Monc please let me sleep!  .  ,. total P.A.  ... PFSF's ... Q.P.-Adianez'  ... beyond
                                             words... I'm so proud of her... M/S Southward... Sosua... Ess-let's go o u t... Mabel
                                            it's MilH-kan ...  Martha r u laughing or crying?  ... lunch w /the girls  ... Ana-TPA ..,
                                             u know we'll always be friends (M + G) ...  Yve. + Paco  ... I don't want to talk a/b
                                            college ... they could be looking at it right n ow !.,. Jackson Hole ... Yve u owe me
                                            the Ann Taylor leather ja cke t... Bachlorette's Club... FF: YG,RL.FL,LF,MB,MF,EL,GR,L-
                                            C(U2!)+Alex,  Ana + Ana-luv  u  all!!  ...  Thanks  Dad,  Mom,Monc+Joey,  Abue-
                                             las,Mr. + Mrs.L,Raquelin + the whole family ... U R all very special... the best is yet to
                                             come  ...

                                                          If you have built castles in the air,
                                                          your work need not be lost;
                                                          that is where they should be.
                                                          Now build the foundations under them.
          100                                                                     Henry David Thoreau
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