Page 80 - Carrollton 1988
P. 80

If a  man  does not  keep pace
              Lilianne De Grasse              with his companions, perhaps it
              October 28,  1970               is because he hears a different
             New York, New York              drummer.  Let  him  step  to  the
                                             music which he hears, however
                                             measured or far away.

                                             I shall pass through this world but
                                             once, if therefore, there be any
                                             kindness  I  can  show,  or  any
                                             good things I can do, let me do
                                             it  now,  for  I  shall  not  pass  this
                                             way again.
                                                        Etienne de Grellet
                                             I knew guite well that someday
                                             I must go down this road, but I
                                             had never thought that some­
                                             day would be today.

  OCUS Staff/Editor 11,12
  earbook Staff  10,11
  ench Club  11
  Dience Club  10,11,12
  /  Basketball  11
  sam Scorekeeper 12
  I'urgical Choir 11,12
  ommittee Head (Inti Cultures, Computer) 10,11
  :holastic Award 9,10,11
  icellence Awards 9,10,11,12
  jrvice Awards 9,10,11,12
  'ellesley Book Award  11
  rational Honor Society  11

                                             Lili  ... Lillian  ... Lilianne  ...  Locker combinations ,..  The Quest '85-'86 ...  Hey,
                                             Daph,  let's go to the movies  ...  British  Lit!  Shakespeare  was better  ...  Jocer,
                                             what's up? How's PGH? ... Anita, yes, this is Governor Gatlin (did I tell you about
                                             , . . . .   Thanks  Friend  ...  Lizette-  "Hey,  beautiful!"  ...  U2  concert  ...
                                             To Y.G., L.M..  M.M.P., C.S., M.G., A.Z., Z.C., E.A., and Mrs. Anderson, Thank you
                                             for being a great staff!... Yvette, we missed you 2nd semester.... C.G.A.Festival/
                                             Parking... G old... the Sunrise Club (Ruth)... Carrollton Camp '8 6 ... Mr. B. mis­
                                             sed you this year!  ... Maria,  A.N., S.D.Y., and the rest of the Trans-Carr Troop:
                                             It was real!  ... Little sis: Take care ... Christmas Forma! '84.'87  ... Fire and Ice:
                                             the winning  combination  (Christmas  '87)  ...  Scorekeeper (Thanks  Murph!)  ...
                                             M.M.  and Ms.N.-  I loved  choir!...  Forest  Ridge  2/14/87  ...  Close-Up  2/14/88
                                             ,.. Calculus, . .  The Mile- It still haunts m e !... Fly. Hist. Proj.- Thanks Mrs. B... I'm
                                             on empty again ... I live In Rm. 7 ... SENIORS, I'll miss you all. Take care ... Mom
                                             and Dad, I love you. Thanks for Carrollton ... Tammie, can I have a hug? I love
                                             you, Nena.  Now and always ...  Bye Carrollton! I've had the time of my lifel
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