Page 97 - Carrollton 1988
P. 97

Maria Elena Pedroso
               November  19,  1970
               Bronxville, New York
          I  decided  long  ago,  never to  walk  in  Why are they up on the walls? Because memories weren't meant to be kept in draw­
          anyone's shadows.               ers.
          If I fail. If I succeed, at least I'll live as I
          believe.                        When you fall in love,
          No  matter  what  they  take  from  me,  you never stop to think
          they can't take away my dignity.  you might end up broken-hearted.
                    George Benson/dedicated to J R .
                                          With a sixpack (of coke) and the radio we didn t need no place to go.
          If you've never seen a shooting star.
          You've never looked long enough.                 Maria Elena... MALENA... Malli... M ale... Malangana... Ma-
          cristina Romano/dedicated to c.R; (5/20/87)      langa  ...  Malibu  ... Melonade  ... Mals ...  Mala  .., Marly  ..,
          A friend is someone who knows all about you, and still loves  Molly...  Gizmo... Teddy... MooMoo Eyes... Snoopy... Mar-
          yOU                                 dedicated to c.a  lena * • •  June 23.  1984  ...  Don't Drink, Don't Smoke  ...  Chris,
                                                            You're my Inspiration  ...  CDS  ...  Costa  Rica  ...  I  wanna  go
         You can't go out looking for something because it will prob-  home  ...  Phillipe  ... Green Chupa Chups  ... Strawberry Blow
         ably find you first.                 dedicated to o.r.  Pops... French Fries... Mimers, learning from my mistakes again
                                                            ... Lizzy and Flippy, it's getting hot back here ... you love me
                                                            too much to leave me here ... Cristina, the little sis I never had,
                                                            hurry up and find your keys... Ed the Led, my favorite cuz ...
                                                            Lule Mamia, let me call you back since I know you will always
                                                            be there for m e ... The Four Muskateers: JR, EG, CR, MM... Surf­
                                                            board rides the male ra ce ... Playing Basketball with JR... Janu­
                                                            ary 27,  1986 ...  missed it by two days ...  my baby's got blue
                                                            eyes  ...  locking  my ring  ...  Rm1427  ...  Josepapi,  no tengas
                                                            pena porque el que tiene pena se muere de hambre ... I finally
                                                            called  you by  your real  name Josie  ...  Nov.  1,  1985/Disney-
                                                            World  ...  Porsche 911  ...  I am getting  a car,  all I need is for
                                                            someone to pay my insurance ... Belen Football - True blue fan
                                                            ... Margaritaville Hotel... that wonderful weekend at Marge's
                                                            house ... Snake (JV )... Corona ... Confettis - 'Hot, Hot, Hot"
                                                            ... M ajor... Rafa, too bad you're my cousin ,.. Frankie, have
                                                            your received any secret admirer cards lately? ... Manny B, tell
                                                            me you love me!  ... I'm leaving the Florida border on the  1st
                                                            plane out of here ... BK experience (MP, CR, ER, DP) .,, What
                                                            does the Eastern sign say now? ... Pretty Eyes - M.O.  ... Ruby
                                                           Tuesday... My FAIC Infatuation (JC )... lunches at the bay with
                                                            V ic ... Always Something there to Remind M e ... Mr. Ice Cream
                                                            ... All Talk, No Action... Guti Que dijeron los Incas?... Biscayne
                                                            Baby ... I'm not a spaz, Charliel  Ha-Ha ... Male,  where do we
                                                            call you today? ... Mac ... Pat bought us roses ... I love you
                                                            guys and I'll miss you all: Pauly, Marge, Lexi, Alix, Cristy H, Maria
                                                            Lisa, Weasle, Mags, Al (Titi), Ivette M, "La Familia", Duck (sorry,
                                                            Fernando), my carpool, my family: Papi, Mami, Mary & Dips, and
                                                            all the people mentioned in my Dot-Dots... SUCH IS LIFE ... BUT
                                                            HEY!!!  ...
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