Page 21 - Raynes Park Vale v VCD Athletic
P. 21

sandwiches and a variety of pastries  new features including competitions
      - all excellent quality! Our pitchside  and international contributors from
      food is now being provided by SPQR  the world of non-league football. We
      - makers of the finest pizzas to be  are always on the lookout for new
      found outside of Italy. These hand-   ideas and contributors so, if you fan-
      made pizzas are utterly authentic and  cy yourself as a new football writer
      handmade using the best ingredients  or sub-editor in the football world
      and, most importantly, are delicious!!  get in touch by mailing mark@the-
      We hope you take the opportunity
      to try this fantastic food during your
      visit. Buon appetito!!
                 A new PA system
      Those of you who came to the RPV
      v Camberley Town match will also
      have noticed a new PA system being
      trialled. This new feature not only
      keeps us compliant with FA regula-
      tions but allows us to keep everyone
      updated with the matchday squads
      and  on-pitch  events  as
      well as providing some
      music for the day.
        Also in the pipeline
      are changes to this very   publica-
      tion in your hands - 'Into The
      Vale', the official Raynes Park
      Vale programme, is pushing
      up to a 20-page publication in
      the very near future with a host of
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