Page 23 - marquee home show bids_Neat
P. 23


                                                                                        Marquee - Chicago
                                                                                       9480 W. 55TH Street
                                                                                         McCook, Il 60525
                                                                                 (708)485-8010 Fax(708)352-0909

       Rented To:                             Delivery Location:                         Loc 200       Ticket#
       P. O. BOX 808                          525 S. RANDALL RD                                      Res # 117685-4
       ATTN:  PEGGY RUH                       ST. CHARLES IL 60174                                         
       OSWEGO IL 60543                        PEGGY RUH/(630) 385-4000                              M&M SLSP: TOM
        PO/Job # KANE COUNTY

       Ordered by:  PEGGY RUH                              Delivery/Out:  03/16/18  Fri  8:30AM (Complete By 11AM)  KMO
       Phone:      0  (630) 385-4000                       Event:       03/17/18  Sat   
                                                           Pick-up/In:  03/18/18  Sun  5PM (Complete By 7PM)      KMO
          Qty   Item   Description                                                 Day Rate     Discount      Total

            1   NOTE   .                                                                                          0.00
            1   NOTE   ** TABLES ** SET UP                                                                        0.00
                         Marquee To Set & Take Down
            9   7215   TABLE, 8' X 30" BANQUET                                          9.99        -8.99         80.92
            1   ZONE1 CHICAGO DEL/PU ZONE 1                                            89.00                      89.00
            1   WINDOW 30 MIN           30 MIN - 2 HR WINDOW DEL/PU                   165.00                     165.00
            1   SUN D/P 8-5             SUNDAY 8AM-5PM DEL/PU                         350.00                     350.00
            9   TABLE SETUP/DOWN        LABOR, TABLE SETUP & TAKEDOWN                   2.50                      22.50
        ******CANCELLATION POLICY******
        *All equipment cancelled the day before delivery before 5pm will be
        charged a 50% fee.
        *All equipment cancelled the day before delivery after 5pm and the day
        of delivery will be charged at 100%.
        *All tenting cancelled less than 1 week prior to delivery will be
        charged a 50% fee.
        *All tenting cancelled the day before delivery or the day of delivery
        will be charged at 100%.

               MC____GC____BC___SK__DK___                                          *** Total Reflects a $218.13 Discount ***
               Blue Strap____4WH Dolly___
               Del. By______White Tubs____                                                          Rentals    1,963.18
               P-U By____Date____Ct by____                                                            Sales      537.50
                                                                                              Delivery/Other      89.00
                                                                                           Damage Protection      0.00
                                                                                                Env. Charges      0.00
                                                                                                   Sales Tax      55.09
                                                                                                      Total    2,644.77

           Customer Signature:___________________________                                         Total Paid      0.00
           03/06/18  12:59:22  Page 3                                                            Amount Due    2,644.77
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