Page 10 - Microsoft Word - MJC letter to MSDC Rev3a
P. 10
And stipulations
Factors and Facts
1 hectare 2.47 acres
1 hectare 10,000 sq. metres
1 square metre 10.76 sq. ft
1 hectare 107,639 sq.ft Page | E
NHS Commissioning Study of people per dwelling
1 bedroom 1.27 residents
2 bedroom 1.9
3 bedroom 2.4
4 bedroom 2.8
About Ashurst Wood
Area within the village boundary 251 hectares
Detached homes in Ashurst Wood 40%
Number of 4 storey flats in Ashurst Wood 0
Private home ownership Ashurst Wood 77%
Rented affordable homes in Ashurst Wood 75
Semi-detached homes in Ashurst Wood 36%
Units sold under right to buy scheme (since 1990) 54
School places in Ashurst Wood ≠200
Children per dwelling ??
Population annual growth Ashurst Wood 0.86%
Residents in employment 58%-70%
Residents per dwelling in Ashurst Wood 2.31
Residents retired 13%
Single person households in Ashurst Wood 191
Population explosion of the proposed development 13%
Accommodation wanted in Ashurst Wood (2024) 52 units
Cars per dwelling Sussex 1.6 to 3
Population Density (People per hectare: PpH)
Population density of Ashurst Wood 7.05 to 7.33
Population density of Category 3 villages 1.12
Population of proposed development (PdH) 169 per hectare
Dwelling Density (Dwellings per hectare: DpH)
Dwelling density in Ashurst Wood (DdH) 3.19 per ha.
Dwelling density of proposed development 85 per ha.
Dwelling density in Spinney Hills 11 per ha.
Area calculations
Footprint of EDF building 3,057 sq.m
Footprint of EDF building 32,905 sq.ft
Footprint of current proposal 49,635 sq.ft
Footprint of the WH;LIC site 31,737 sq.ft
Footprint of integrated development 81,372 sq.ft
The Current Proposal
Objectively assessed need in Ashurst Wood (2024) 60 dwellings
Planned development 116 dwellings