Page 19 - Microsoft Word - MJC letter to MSDC Rev3a
P. 19
And stipulations
3 Important Background (Continued)
The proposed developments of the WH sites fall outside the village boundary and built up
area. Despite planning objectives to avoid coagulation between adjacent rural settlements,
the developments between Ashurst Wood and East Grinstead are contiguous. There is a
distinct separation between Ashurst Wood and Forest Row.
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The houses on the 800m stretch of the A22 (Which includes the WH entrance) running from
Hectors Lane in the north to slightly beyond Park Lane to the south are mainly detached with
3,4 or 5 bedrooms. They have their own, shared or clustered drives, garages, parking and
storage spaces. The average value is over £600,000.
The proposed development is totally out of character with its immediate
neighbourhood and with Ashurst Wood generally.
Land to the east of the A22 is more suitable for development because it allows
residents to access the village without having to cross the A22:
There are other points to note:
• There are 75 rented affordable homes in the village, plus 1 shared ownership;
• 54 units have been sold under the right to buy scheme since 1990;
• The number of homes in the village grew from 666 to 723 between 2001 and 2011:
representing a growth rate of 0.86% per annum.
The integrated plan would increase the village population by over 13% in one hit.
• The village primary school has few vacancies. There are no secondary schools in the
• 77% of the homes in Ashurst Wood are privately owned;
• 40% of the homes are detached and 36% are semi-detached;
• There are no 4 storey flats in Ashurst Wood
Ashurst Wood is a tiny, rural village and singularly unqualified to act as an overspill
from other settlements.
3.2 Wealden House
Wealden House is a Victorian mansion, built in 1842 when its boundary is believed to have
included the EDF site as well as Ashbourne Park;
• It is owned by Weald Property Investments Ltd, whose directors are related to David
Gaiman a key figure in the Church Scientology;
• It is one of the most important historic buildings in the area and would qualify for listing;
It hosts the Life Improvement Centre (LIC) - which is associated with the Church of
Scientology -and several small privately owned charitable and socially supportive businesses;
21 Deceased