Page 26 - Microsoft Word - MJC letter to MSDC Rev3a
P. 26
And stipulations
5.3 Documents Supporting the Application (Continued)
• The fundamental guidance to local planners is to maximise the capacity of available
housing development sites for more modest size of unit and maximise the provision of
affordable housing---
The entire planning statement focuses on maximising the density of the site by Page | 16
fallaciously basing it on a “starkly urban” environment.
The statement continues:
• “MSDC must deliver new housing at the rate of 876 dwellings per annum and at the rate
of 1,909 per annum for the last seven years--- so far as the EDF site is concerned, it is
included in the modified MSDC’s settlement category no. 3, for which the “minimum
requirement” has been set at 2,200 units”;
The implication that Ashurst Wood has an OAN justifying the WH developments is
The statement continues:
• “A substantial portion of the site is in fact woodland. This is a resource that can be used
by the new residents-- accordingly they will have the opportunity to countryside walking
locally ”;
• The site is quite secluded and not overlooked and has no visual relationship to the main
settlement of Ashurst Wood on the opposite side of Lewes Road. Accordingly, this is not
a situation where design needs to be driven by contextual considerations;
• This site has previously been the subject of pre-application consultation….
The statement then lists five points from the MSDC consultation but fails to mention that nine
others have been ignored (See Table 3: page 7).
• “[Because of] the extensive consultation and debate with them [i.e. MSDC] and by local
people there is no purpose in repeating that process now the development has been
agreed in principle”;
Again, this is wrong and resulted in the application being submitted to and accepted by
MSDC without any reference to Ashurst Wood Village Council.
• “The scheme does not raise any traffic or highways issues because there will be a
reduction of traffic generation.”
The claim of a traffic reduction is ridiculous
5.4 Transport Statement
The Transport Statement, commissioned by AHL and published in April 2018, states that the
proposed development of 50 market and 21 affordable flats would reduce the traffic flow
onto the A22 from the “existing” EDF site by 38%. This, for reasons explained in paragraph
7.5 is nonsense. There had been no input from WSCC Highways Department until July 2018.
26 The East Sussex Environmental Team does not agree: again another “mistaken” claim