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P. 33
And stipulations
7.4 Comments on Key Elements: Site Entrance (Continued)
It is a miracle that there have been so few accidents reported to police. However, most
residents recall multiple near misses and panic when using WORT lane.
Waiting times to enter and leave the WORT lane have been observed as follows:
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Table 6: Times to join the A22
An estimated 25 cars per hour would be able exit onto A22 both left and right
during peak periods
The governing factor for all traffic leaving the EDF site is the right turn wait time of 2.2
minutes, because it also blocks left turns towards East Grinstead. If the WH site (or sites) are
developed, construction traffic arriving from the north or leaving to the south will need to
use the WORT lane. Two or three large trucks arriving at the same time will block the lane
and make it unavailable to other users. This is a significant and increased danger. There are no
safe layby parking areas to the north or south of the WH site.
The Design and Access Statement shows an intention to build 8 parking spaces immediately
inside the entrance:
Figure 11: Car parking at the entrance to WH
31 This observation requires validation by traffic experts from WSCC Highways
32 They are likely to be significantly greater for elderly people