Page 13 - 77240 Shenandoah Country Club Booklet
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in the season at the discretion of the Head Professional . Fivesomes are still subject to
the two (2) hours per nine holes and four (4) hours for 18 holes .
11 . Practice Range. Range balls are for use on the practice facility only . Removal of range
balls for personal use on the golf course or anywhere other than the practice facility is prohibited . Everyone that plays with a member and has paid guest fees is entitled to use the range . An adult must accompany all children under 12 years of age unless golf staff gives previous approval .
12 . Golf Lessons. Only the professional staff at Shenandoah Country Club may give lessons to members on the driving range or the course .
13 . Locker Rooms. Each member is assigned a locker and it is highly suggested that you and your guests use the facility to change clothing or shoes in the locker room . Changing clothes is in the parking lot is prohibited . Children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the locker room without the supervision of an adult .
14 . Local School Golf Teams. Each season the Golf Committee may extend, as a courtesy to one or more local high school teams a limited, revocable privilege of using the course and practice facility .
15 . Use of Sound Emitting Devices on Golf Facilities. Use of device on driving range or practice facility will be allowed as long as ear buds are being used . On the golf course devices may be used as long as all members in the group consent to such use . The volume is such that the sound cannot be heard by others at a distance greater than 15 paces past the device . The sound cannot be heard by any golfer not part of the device user’s group . It is the device user’s duty to lower or mute the sound as necessary to comply whenever in the vicinity of golfers not part of such group, regardless of how such proximity occurs, such as, without limitation, in the rough area between fairways or greens and tee boxes . Nothing in the forgoing is intended to override the USGA Rules of Golf during play that is subject to such rules .
16 .Handicap . New members shall use established handicap from former club until new one is established . To establish a handicap at Shenandoah Country Club, you must have three (3) 18 hole scores recorded . It is the member’s responsibility to post all

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