Page 9 - 77240 Shenandoah Country Club Booklet
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usage to avoid exceeding the allowable limits . Damage or destruction of equipment, furnishings, or any property belonging to the Club, by a member or guests, will be charged to and will be payable by the members responsible .
4 . Food and Beverage. Food and beverage purchased elsewhere may not be brought to Shenandoah Country Club without the prior consent of the General Manager . Food and beverages served or consumed on the club’s premises by members or guest must be purchased from the clubhouse, halfway house or beverage cart .
5 . Smoking. All interior portions of the Club are designated non-smoking areas the only exception to this is the cigar lounge . When smoking on the patio, outside areas or golf course cigar and cigarette butts are to be deposited in receptacles or ash trays .
6 . Recruitment of Club employees. Recruiting Club employees for employment in another business is not allowed .
7 . Removal of Club Property. No equipment or furnishings belonging to the Club shall be removed from the Club premises without the permission of the General Manager .
8 . Advertisements. Advertising in any form and posting notices is not permitted on Club premises unless approved in advance by the General Manager .
9 . Landscaping. Cutting or pulling of flowers or shrubbery or trees on the Club grounds is not permitted .
10 . Animals. Members and guests may not bring pets or other animals on Club property . 11 . Gifts to Employees. Members may provide reasonable gifts or gratuities to employees
as tokens of appreciation for service . Members may not provide anything of value to an employee that is to repetitive; involves quid pro quo; or carries the perception of influence or obligation of any type .
12 . Limitation of Privileges. Upon a reasonable written request of a member, one or more membership privileges extended to the member’s immediate family may be limited by the Golf Committee in its sole discretion and subject to such conditions and under- standings that it deems appropriate for continued rules infractions by such member .
13 . Dispute of Charges. Each member will be responsible for signing all chits for their golf related expenses and a receipt will be given to each member . If a member does not

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