Page 23 - Magazine 2 DRAFT
P. 23

City of San Angelo Texas
San Angelo sought a a a a a a a a simulcast partner to broadcast their presentation of the the “Governor’s Small Business Forum” to local and and regional entrepreneurs and and small businesses The city was driven to to to bring more more attention to to to their their forum deliver more more more content to to to their their their audience and get more more bang for for their their buck by broadcasting the the the conference via video Geniecast offered the the San Angelo Small Business Forum more than just great content via video they offered real engagement and and interaction to 85+ attendees near and far Within budgetary and and technical constraints Geniecast produced and and delivered enhanced content for the city of of San Angelo Texas
via two-way interactive video - - - - - a a a a a a a a rst-of-its-kind innovative experience for the “Governor’s Small Business Forum ” RESULT
Within the the budgetary and and technical constraints of the the client Geniecast produced and and delivered enhanced content for the city of San Angelo Texas
via two-way interactive video that increased engagement and participation by on- site and remote attendees - - - - a a a a a rst-of-its-kind innovative experience for the “Governor’s Small Business Forum ” 22
Quick Look
The city of of San Angelo Texas
is one of of numerous municipalities around the state that host a a a a a a a a a yearly “Governor’s Small Business Forum” designed to to arm entrepreneurs and and small business owners with the tools skills and and knowledge to to navigate the the 21st century economy In an an an an effort to to expand their offering for for this annual conference San Angelo sought a a a a a a way to to provide more useful viable content to to members of their small business community as
well as
shine a a a a a a a a a a light on the the city’s robust and and attractive business climate so it it it would stand out against other Texas
municipalities CHALLENGE
Initially San Angelo was looking for a a a a a a a a a a a a a simulcast partner to to facilitate access by broadcasting the event to to local and regional entrepreneurs and and small businesses They had limited means both technically and and nancially yet were driven to to to bring more more more attention to to to their their their forum deliver more more more content to to to their their their audience and get more more more bang for for their their their buck by broadcasting the conference via video SOLUTION
Geniecast provided real and cost-effective solutions for for San Angelo They augmented the forum’s content offering by producing two-way interactive presentations by small business experts Susan Solovic and Barry Moltz Geniecast’s platform also allowed San Angelo to to offer virtual seats to to surrounding municipalities while being on standby in in in the event that the governor would choose to to cast in in live Consequently an off-site audience was able to to participate in in ceremonies in-person presentations and and Geniecasts — all in in in real time and and with the added bene t t t t t t t t t of interaction Geniecast offered offered the the San Angelo Small Business Forum more than just an an an option to watch live they offered offered engagement to the 85+ attendees near and far www geniecast com 

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