Page 16 - LVGL Summer 2017
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                                                                                                                             T H E  M O S T  E XC L U S I V E

                            EXECUTIVES                                             CONTACT US                                                    R E SIDENCE S IN L A S V EG A S
                CO-OWNER/PUBLISHER   CO-OWNER/EDITOR                                P | 702-802-9776
                   Ryan Chackel         Heidi Chackel
                                                                            A | 2654 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Suite B5-58
                               STAFF                                                Henderson, NV 89052
                          ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES                                  W |
                        Leslee Ryerson,  Kelly Travis                          e-mail sales/corporate/distribution
                             ART DIRECTOR                                
                          Mary Catherine Kozusko                                 e-mail editorial/accounting
                             COPY EDITOR                                
                            Jordan Martinez
                          CONTRIBUTORS                                 Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine is part of the
                                                                       Rogue 5 Media, Inc. family of publications and events:
                          CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                   Bill Bowman, Bob Gourley, Brian Hurlburt,
                       Nisha Sadekar, Seema Sadekar

                  Colleen Chalmers of Giggle Box Photography,
                     Edyta Sokolowska, Play Golf Designs
                          Proud supporters

        Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine is owned and operated by Rogue 5 Media, Inc. of Henderson, Nevada. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced or
        transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without the express written
        consent of Rogue 5 Media, Inc. The views and opinions expressed within Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views or
        opinions of Rogue 5 Media, Inc., its employees, staff or management.

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                                                                           BOULDER CREEK GOLF CLUB
                    BOULDER CITY GOLF COURSE                               BOULDER CREEK GOLF CLUB
                           1 CLUBHOUSE DR                                    1501 VETERANS MEMORIAL DR
                         BOULDER CITY, NV 89005                                BOULDER CITY, NV 89005                            This marketing material is intended for persons seeking information regarding condominium units available for purchase at Trump International Hotel, Las Vegas. No Federal agency has judged the merits
                                                                                                                                 or value, if any, of this property. No statement should be relied upon except as expressly set forth in the Nevada Public Offering Statement. This is neither an offer to sell, nor a solicitation of offers to buy,
                            (702) 293-9236                                         (702) 294-6534                                any condominium units in those states were such offers or solicitations cannot be made. WARNING: THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE HAS NOT INSPECTED, EXAMINED, OR QUALIFIED
                                   WWW.BOULDERCREEKGC.COM                                                                        THIS OFFERING. This condominium project does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or familial status. Not all furnishings shown herein may be included.
                                                                                                                                 Some services and amenities described herein will not be provided or owned by the developer and may be subject to use restrictions and fees imposed by third parties. Pricing and locations of units are
                                                                                                                                 subject to change without notice. Views and locations of units within the project are not guaranteed and the buyer is responsible for inspecting the unit and its location before signing any agreement with
                                                                                                                                 respect thereto. © Trump Ruffin Tower I, LLC. Unauthorized use of the images, artist renderings, plans or other depictions of the project or units is strictly prohibited.
    14  LVG&L   SUMMER 2017                                                  WWW.LASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM
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