Page 102 - Digital Signage 2022 Brochure
P. 102

Other Features
        O ther  F eatur es

        Lightweight and Slim Design                              End-to-End Project Management
         a    a ine   eig s   s     g and  as a dep   o        eaning    very   D  ideo  all is  ni  e and ea    o es  i   i s o n
          a    e red  ed  eig   red  es s ress on   e  o nting s r    re     allenges   e are  ere  o advise and g ide yo    ro g
                                                                 every s ep    ro  design  o ins allation and even providing
                                                                  ain enan e  e  an provide   ll end  o end pro e
                                                                  anage en    ere re  ired

                                                                       Design   >>   Installation  >>  Maintenance

        Fanless Design                                           Easy Installation
          e  ndoor   D  ideo  alls are noise  ree   ile in operation     eir lig   and  o pa   design as  ell as  agneti   od les
          an s  o   eir  anless design   nli e o  door appli ations    i     positioning pins and si ple  a ine  s r    re  a e   e  ideal  or
        involve lo s o  a  ien  noise  indoor pro e  s re  ire a silen    ei  er per anen  ins allations or ren al  o s
        sol tion

                                           Fanless Design

        Remote Updates from the Cloud                            Optimised Indoor Viewing Distances
         a e  o ple e  on rol o  yo r   D  ideo  all s  on en   i   o r     e  ndoor   D  ideo  alls are designed  or  lose range vie ing
        C   sys e      lis  and  oni or yo r  on en   ro  any  ere in   dis an es  i   a varie y o  pi el pi    options depending on yo r
          e  orld via o r online por al                            dge  and re  ire en s

        Complete Quality Control                                 Bespoke Video Wall Display
         very s ep   ro  prod  tion  o ins allation  goes   ro g  a s ri      a e   e  os  o    eir  od lar design as yo  s  lp    e   D
          ali y  on rol pro ed re   ile   ali y  ali ration g aran ees    ideo  all  o  ll yo r spa e and s and o    ro    e  ro d
         onsis en  i age   ali y a ross   e   ole display

        99                                               JB-signs bv
                                                   Petegemstraat 2 - 9870 Zulte
                                               Tel. +32(0)9 381 93 45 -
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