Page 4 - Jewish News_Sept2021
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4A                         September 2021                                                               FEDERATION NEWS

     Shep Englander...continued from page 2A
     helpful in leading Jewish Federations,”   level.  It  was  incredibly  gratifying  to   and roles,” Shep explained. This led to   miliar  with  the  community,  as  his
     Shep said.                           see that happen.”                     start-up grants for a variety of projects.   mother had been wintering in Saraso-
        Following law school, Shep worked     His  work  in  Cincinnati  began  by   For example,  the Foundation helped   ta for eight years. “My mom still lives
     at  a  law  firm  in  Washington,  D.C.,   coordinating  a  $42  million  capital   fund the launch of a new business ser-  outside New York City, and what she
     which represented nonprofit clients on   campaign in order to get a new com-  vices group which enabled 24 different   loves about Sarasota is the arts and cul-
     public  policy  issues. After  four  years   munity campus built, a campus that   nonprofits  to  close  their  finance  and   ture, which is at a level to which she
     there, he went to work for the lobbying   housed a JCC, the Federation offices, a   accounting offices, and outsource all of   was  accustomed  after  living  in  New
     and public policy office for The Jew-  few other agencies including a summer   their business services to Federation’s   York  all  her  life,”  Shep  said.  “When
     ish Federations of North America, the   camp and later, Jewish Family Service.   shared  service  group.  “Not  only  has   she heard I was thinking about looking
     Federation’s national  umbrella  orga-                                                                           at other communities, she went right to
     nization. “I managed JFNA’s national   “I’ve been impressed with the caliber of the community leaders            work advocating for Sarasota.
     public policy work,” Shep said. “After                                                                               “My  wife  Hayley  was  neck  and
     five years there, I became very interest-  I’ve met in the Sarasota-Manatee region. In the short time I’ve       neck with my mom in terms of advo-
     ed in the work of our clients, the Jew-  been here, I’ve seen uncommon smarts, deep experience and high          cating for me to apply for the Sarasota
     ish Federations themselves, which led   expectations. I’m excited to partner with them as the Federation’s       position.  Hayley  and  I  are  both  out-
     me to accept the position of Vice Presi-  new CEO, and together, to realize the unique potential of this         doors people and Hayley is a passion-
     dent of the United Jewish Federation of   community.” – Shep Englander                                           ate tennis player. Today, she is already
     Pittsburgh, where I was put in charge                                                                            on tap to join a team at the Lakewood
     of that Federation’s grant making, pub-                                                                          Ranch Tennis Center. We are also en-
     lic affairs, community and government   “It was very similar to Sarasota’s new   this proven to be a cost-efficient way   joying  our  mutual  love  of  kayaking,
     relations, and its Israel programs,” he   campus,  which  I  understand  includes   for the nonprofits to work, it also creat-  which,  wonderfully,  we  can  now  do
     explained.                           plans for the Joel and Gail Morganroth   ed operational relationships among all   right outside our new back door.”
     Leading in Cincinnati                Event Center and its theatre named for   the nonprofits in the Jewish communi-  With the decision made, Shep has
     Only three years later, Shep got a call   Bea Friedman; the day camp named by   ty,” Shep explained. “It required a lot   been busy in the months since his ap-
     asking if he would be interested in in-  Karen and Tommy Bernstein for their   of trust, but helped us align the com-  pointment,  familiarizing  himself  with
     terviewing for the position of CEO of   daughter  Marci  Lynn;  and  the  Bob   munity. I love growing new approach-  the Federation and the community.
     the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.  and Esther Heller Israel Center in the   es and trying new models, something   “Like  Cincinnati,  I  have  found
        Shep  was  surprised  because  his   Cultural Arts and Education Building,   I look forward to doing in Sarasota, as   that  Sarasota  attracts  people  who  un-
     portfolio in Pittsburgh had not empha-  which will focus on Israeli innovation,   well.”                         derstand the value of community,” he
     sized  fundraising.  He  learned  that  at   Jewish  pride  and  Jewish  heritage,”   He also spearheaded and launched   said. “Sometimes, in very large cities,
     that  time,  the  Cincinnati  Federation’s   Shep said.                    SAFE  Cincinnati,  a  community-wide   it can be harder to make connections. I
     primary  need  was  for  someone  who    Shep also forged a unique collabo-  security and emergency management   have based my career in medium-sized
     could help reduce wasteful turf battles   rative partnership between the Federa-  initiative,  and  doubled  the  organiza-  cities, which both my wife and I have
     and blame, and get everyone around   tion and a new large private foundation.   tion’s endowment from $52 million in   found to be more personal and dynam-
     the  table  and  find  shared  goals  and   When the Jewish Hospital of Cincinna-  2005 to $104 million in 2019.  ic.”
     vision. “That’s what they hired me to   ti was sold, the proceeds were used to   Moving on to Sarasota-Manatee       One of the first things that attracted
     do, and that’s what I enjoy doing. So   create a new private foundation. “I did   After 16 years in Cincinnati, Shep felt   Shep to Sarasota was the brain power
     it ended up being a very good match,”   not approach them seeking funding. I   it was time to take the next step in his   of  the  community  members  and  the
     Shep said. “We moved to Cincinnati to   approached them as a thought-partner,   career. Enter The Jewish Federation of   volunteer  leadership.  “I  have  already
     help bring the community together and   and we were able to define and align   Sarasota-Manatee.                 met  so  many  incredibly  successful,
     the  quality  of  Jewish  life  to  the  next   our  respective  organizational  goals   Shep  was  already  somewhat  fa-    continued on next page

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