Page 14 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 14

14A                             April 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

        “I’m not a teacher; I can only tell you what I experienced”

        By Jessi Sheslow, Director of Community Relations
              hrough the generosity of many   the educators are joined by 99-year-old   during some of the first rounds of death   person  stories  is  unmatched.  This  is

              donors and the leadership of our   Holocaust survivor Howard Chandler.   camp deportations.                 why the commitment by the Federation
        Tlocal public and private schools,        Chandler grew up in Starachowice,    Only able to complete formal edu-  to bring Holocaust survivors to schools
        The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-    Poland, and spent time in both the Aus-  cation until the 3   grade,  Chandler’s   is a high priority.
        Manatee is able to change lives with   chwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald con-  opening line when speaking to school     In  addition  to  speaking  with  stu-
        Classrooms  Without  Borders  (CWB).   centration  camps,  and  tragically  lost   children today is, “I’m not a teacher; I   dents in schools, Chandler spoke prior
        A five-month program culminating in a   his mother, sister and brother in Treb-  can only tell you what I experienced.”   to a Just Reel Films showing of War-

        10-day trip to Poland has already given   linka. Chandler’s father saved his life   In  February,  Howard  Chandler  was   saw:  A City  Divided, a never-before-

        five educators and another 10 on deck   by lying about his age. Sixteen-year-  here in Sarasota. He visited the schools   screened  documentary  with  actual
        the experience of a lifetime. The magic   olds were able to work in the camps,   of our five CWB educators who went   Holocaust  footage.  He  captivated  al-

        of this program is that while in Poland,   so he was useful and therefore spared   to Poland with him in 2019: Cardinal   most 300 community  members after
                                                                                    Mooney  Catholic  High  School,  St.   watching  the  gripping  documentary.
                                                                                    Martha  Catholic  School,  Hershorin   “Howard spoke of his experience as if
                                                     SERVING THE JEWISH
               L’Dor                                 COMMUNITY                      Sarasota  High  School.  He  spoke  to   ing  details,”  remarked  Rosann  Black,
                                                                                    Schiff  Community  Day  School  and

                                                                                                                          it happened yesterday with spine-chill-
                                                     SINCE 1978
                                                                                    nearly 600 local students ranging from
                                                                                                                          Just Reel Films Chair.
                                                     Charter Members of

                                                                                                                             These stories are difficult to keep
                                                                                    middle to high school ages.

                                                     Temple Sinai
                                                                                       Many of the students gave Chan-
                   V’Dor                             Selling                        dler  hugs  and  thanked  him  for  tell-  talking  about  but  Howard  Chandler,
                                                                                                                          and  so  many  other  survivors,  know
                                                                                    ing his story. One student at Cardinal
                                                                                                                          their  importance. We  are  fortunate  to
                                                     Real Estate to
                                                                                    Mooney Catholic High School wanted
                                                                                                                          hear them, we are fortunate our chil-
                                                     Every Generation
                                                                                    to learn more about the Holocaust be-
                                                                                    cause, “…there is so much more to it,”   dren can learn from them, and we hope   emple  Sinai’s  annual  Mitzvah
                                                                                                                          the lessons are not lost for our future.
                                                                                                                                                                  Day  will  take  place  on  Sun-
                                                                                    referencing the surface that too often is   To  learn  more  about  Holocaust  Tday,  April  19  from  9:00  a.m.
                 Selling the “Sarasota Lifestyle”...                                all  our  students  receive. Another  stu-  education  at  the  Jewish  Federation,  to 3:00 p.m. Mitzvah Day is based on
                                                                                                                          contact me at or
                                                                                    dent continued the conversation about
                   be it Downtown, Waterfront,                                      the  Holocaust  for  two  hours  at  home   941.343.2109.               the concept of tikkun olam, interpreted
                                                                                                                                                            as helping to repair the world through
                                                                                    that night. The power of hearing first-

           Golf or other Residential Communities                                                                                                            purposeful acts of loving kindness. The
                                                                                                                                                            theme of this year’s Mitzvah Day is “I

                                                                                                                                                            can make a difference.”

                                                                                                                                                               The  event  offers  Temple  Sinai
                   ollier Group                                                                                                                             members and the community of all ages
                                                                                                                                                            a special opportunity to be involved in
                                                                                                                                                            projects dedicated to performing com-
                  Janis Collier, REALTOR   ®
                     Mary Collier, REALTOR ®
                     Ron Collier, REALTOR ®
           PLEASE CONSIDER US FOR YOUR REFERRALS... THEY WILL BE TREATED LIKE FAMILY.       Howard Chandler speaks to more than 150 students at Sarasota High School
            Make Your Next “Smart Move” contact The Collier Group today
                                                                                                                         280 kosher characters
                                                          1605 Main Street, Suite 101
                                                          Sarasota, FL 34236

                   PEOPLE OF THE    BOOK                Lecture                             SAVE THE DATE

                                                  in the Series!                              Community Observance
                                                  in the Series!
                                                                                                     YOM HASHOAH
             JACK FAIRWEATHER / SARAH ROSE                        Her oes of
                                                                  Heroes of
                                                            the Resistance
             April 21, 2020
             April 21, 2020 • 10:30 am  • $10               the Resistance                 Holocaust Remembrance Day
                           Jack Fairweather, author of The Volunteer:                       Monday, april 20, 2020 • 7:30 pM

                           One Man, an Underground Army, and Sarah Rose,
                                       author of D-Day Girls: The Spies Who                           TeMple eManu-el

                                       Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the                               151 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota FL
                                       Nazis and Helped Win World War II, will

                                       present a panel discussion on heroes of                    FEA TURING  GUEST  SPEAKER
                                       the resistance during World War II.                          Holocaust Survivor Rifka Glatz

                                                                                                  SUPPOR TING  ORGANIZ A TIONS
                           To order tickets visit:                                                            Holocaust Survivors
                                                                       The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                                                Generations After

                  or call 1-888-718-4253, Option 1                                                The Sarasota-Manatee Rabbinical Association

                                                                                                               Area Synagogues
                            FEDERATION TORCH SPONSORS                                                       Sarasota Jewish Chorale

         EDIE & DAVID CHAIFETZ  |  LEON R. & MARGARET M. ELLIN  |  DEBBIE & LARRY HASPEL                Aviva – A Campus for Senior Life
            BUNNY & MORT SKIRBOLL  |  HADASSAH & MARTIN STROBEL  |  LOIS STULBERG                             JFCS of the Suncoast
                                                                                                               Butterflies of Hope
            SILVER SPONSOR                   BRONZE SPONSORS

                                                     JULES & CAROL B. GREEN
                                                                                             FREE & OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY
                                                     LORI AND DAVID LINER
                                                                                                      RSVP at     jfedsr  q.or g/e v ents
                                                                                                      RSVP at
                 COPPER SPONSORS             HOSPITALITY SPONSOR
                   MARSHA EISENBERG
                  IRENE & MARTY ROSS                                                                  For more information, contact
                                                                                                      Temple Emanu-El at 941.371.2788

                                                    Follow us on social media @jfedsrq
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