Page 17 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 17

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                        February 2021                                    17A

     Aviva hires Morrison to handle

     its food service operations

     By Gayle Guynup

          tarting  in February,  Aviva -  A   Solomon noted they were also      cinated, we will be able to determine   all be offered positions with Morrison,
          Campus for Senior Life will be   concerned  about  how  these  different   a date when we can reopen our restau-  while retaining their seniority or their
     Susing Morrison Living for all of    operations  were  handling  Covid-19.   rants and bistros. With Morrison start-  tenure. Morrison also offers extensive
     its food services.                   “What were they doing to enhance and   ing  on  February  1,  I  am  hoping  that   regional backup for training, purchas-
        According  to  Aviva’s President   enrich the dining experience for the   sometime  in  March,  depending  on   ing, hiring and quality control.
     and CEO, Jay Solomon, in looking for   residents while they were not able to   Covid, we may be able to reopen our   For 100 years, Morrison has been
     one company to oversee Aviva’s entire   congregate in large dining areas? What   dining rooms,” Solomon said.    serving delicious food and providing
     food-service operations, we interviewed   Morrison has been doing in other com-  “More and more communities      hospitality services, starting in Mobile,
     multiple companies, but one stood out.   munities is take food carts throughout   are outsourcing certain  departments   Alabama. In the late 1980s, Morrison
     “After  going  through  everything,  we   the residences at different times of the   to larger organizations  that have the   began  bringing  its  culinary  expertise
                                                                                                               Bridge... Anyone?
     felt very strongly that Morrison had a   day, with different themes. This helps   breadth and depth to make a significant   to the senior living industry. In 2001,
     strong, excellent reputation, with more   to  break  up  the  monotony  of takeout   change that we don’t have the man-  Morrison joined Compass Group USA.
                                                                                                                 The Bridge Group meets Thursday
     than 400 accounts nation-                            food,” Solomon ex-    power to make,” Solomon said. “Not    Together, they have grown nationwide,
                                                                                                                afternoons from 1:00–4:00 pm
     wide, including 10 kosher                            plained.              only are we gaining a quality partner,   focusing solely  on the  senior living
                                                                                                               on the Federation Campus
     accounts.  That was very                                Morrison will  be   but we are also gaining a variety of cost   industry. Today, Morrison services in-
                                                                                                                      dependent living, active adult commu-
     important  to us to make                             responsible  for all   efficiencies.”               (582 McIntosh Road).
                                                                                                            Open to intermediate
     sure that  we connected                              the culinary services     Morrison will be bringing a gener-  nities, assisted living facilities, nursing
     with a company that un-                              on the entire campus.   al manager of culinary services to the   homes,  rehab  centers  and  skilled  liv-
                                                                                                           and advanced bridge players.
 Temple Sinai returns    derstood kosher dietary          When  it  begins on   campus. And then Aviva’s food-service   ing communities, offering the highest
                                                                                                          For more information,
                                                                                staff,  from  the  executive  chef  to  the
                                                                                                                      quality of food, nutrition and wellness,
                                                          February  1,  Morri-
     laws,” Solomon said.
                                                                                                        call Bob Satnick
 to campus  in  the  final  negotiations                  son will take over the   front-line staff, will become Morrison   as well as design and environmental
        When Aviva  was
                                                                                                       at 941.538.3739
                                                          in-room service, sup-
                                                                                employees.  Current  employees will
     and  looking  for a  start                           plemented by the mo-
     date,  Solomon  voiced                               bile dining program.
     his concern that Passover                            It might be a mobile  Do you play???Do you play???            Seasoned                $ 5 pie
                                                                                          Thursdays / 12pm to 4ish
     was  coming  up  quick-  Aviva President/CEO Jay Solomon  dessert bar, or some-  Jerusalem Room, Federation Campus
                                                                                 Thursdays / 12pm to 4ish
     ly  on  March  28.  “I  needed  to  know   thing else that will add a little variety to
                                                                                                (582 McIntosh Road)
     how much time it would need to come   everyone’s day. Once the dining rooms   Looking to start an in-person
     in, get established and then prepare   can reopen, it will manage the indepen-  game using all health precau-  $5 pie.
                                                                                  tions; virtual game is also an
     for Passover. Morrison had already   dent living dining room, the indepen-  Friendly but serious game!
     thought it through and was able to give   dent living bistro and the three dining   option. Contact Marilyn
                                                                                           Contact Marilyn Oslander
     me a timeline on exactly what needed   rooms in Anchin and Benderson, which   if interested.
                                                                                                                                  n O
     to happen and when.  That impressed   are all closed right now due to Covid.   Please             941.951.2029       Marilyn Oslander
     us right off the bat,” he said. “Morrison   On December 29, the Aviva cam-      
     also provided us with more than 1,500   pus got its first round of vaccines, with   contact                          941.951.2029
     kosher recipes, so we  could  see  just   the second round planned for January                                       marasota   @  y
     how extensive its kosher program is.”  19.  “Once  everyone  has  been  vac-

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                                                                              A t A viv a, our r esident s do mor e than call our
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