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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                      February 2021                                    11B

           SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27

                   Drive-In Havdalah and Movie Night
        Temple Emanu-El Religious School (TEERS) invites you to a safe and
        festive evening of family fun! Drive in for a musical Havdalah service,
        then enjoy a family movie on our outdoor screen. Watch from your car
        or bring chairs and  blankets for socially  distanced  outdoor  viewing.
        Concessions will be sold without contact as well. All are welcome, but                          Digital Program 5
        advance registration is required for this free event, which begins at 5:00
        p.m.  at Temple  Emanu-El,  151  McIntosh Road,  Sarasota.  Please  email            BALANCHINE & GRAZIANO or call 941.378.5567 for more information or
        to register.                                                                                  26 Feb - 2 Mar 2021

             SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28

                 Sarasota Jewish Theater Performance:
                                 Cherry Docs
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        Featuring Jim Floyd and Dylan Jones, and narrated by Robert Turoff, this
        intense drama unfolds when a skinhead, accused of a vicious hate crime
        murder, is assigned a Jewish public defender, played by David Gow. A
        post-performance discussion will feature the cast and Jeff Solomon, Feder-
        ation’s Jewish Community Security Director. The performance, presented
        by the Sarasota Jewish Theater, will be streamed via Zoom from 3:00 to
        5:00 p.m. A link will be sent via email as the performance approaches.
        Tickets are $18. To register, please visit For more in-
        formation,  contact  Carole  Kleinberg at  or

                       BNC Book and Author Event
        Join Brandeis National Committee (BNC) on Zoom from 10:30 a.m. to
        noon, when Barbara Gilford, author of Heart Songs: A Holocaust Memoir,
        discusses her book. She is a second-generation Holocaust survivor who
        reflects upon the legacy of those who lost relatives in the Holocaust and the                       TICKETS $35
        psychological issues that have consumed some survivors. Free for BNC
        members; $18 for non-members. To receive the Zoom link, please register        941.359.0099  |  WWW.SARASOTABALLET.ORG
        with Judy Polivy at or 941.355.1184.

                  “The U.S. Constitution and the Jews”

        In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in the infamous case
        of Buck v. Bell,  declaring  as the law of the land that  the government
        could legally  sterilize  persons considered inferior, as proclaimed  by     Learn about our growing
        Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes that, “Three generations of imbeciles are      Jewish community in this comprehensive
        enough.” American law promoting eugenics was used as a model by Nazi
        Germany, which adopted American concepts as the blueprint for its plans      population study of Sarasota-Manatee
        to exterminate the Jewish people. This class, presented by the Al Katz
        Center, begins at 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month
        for all classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly
        Newman at 941.313.9239.

                   “Delicate Conversations” Session 2
                   – Something is Not Kosher at Home

        The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is presenting a four-part
        virtual event to help you engage in senior life transition planning with
        family and friends. The dates are February 21 (Personal Responsibility),
        February 28 (Something is Not Kosher at Home), March 7 (Declutter/L’dor
        V’dor “from Generation to Generation”) and March 14 (Finding the Joy in
        the Oy). Each session will be held on Zoom from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. In our
        community, during these difficult times, women, children and families are
        in need of our continued support. Although this event is free, any donation
        toward NJCW programs will be appreciated. For more information and
        Zoom  link,  contact  Natalie  Weinstein  at  or          ST
        917.658.1093.                                                                  1   population study

                  CTeen of Sarasota – Let’s Make Pizza                                      in 20 years!

        CTeen Sarasota will meet on Zoom at 5:00 p.m. to make pizza from scratch.                                                    Sponsored in part by
        All teens registering before Monday, February 22 will have the ingredients                                2019                a grant from:
        delivered to their home. This event is open to all Jewish teens in grades                         Jewish Community Study
        7-12 and is being offered free of charge, however, prior reservations are               Cohen Center Authors:   A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish
                                                                                                 Matthew Boxer
        necessary. RSVP via email to                                 Matthew A. Brookner  community in Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                                 Eliana Chapman
                                                                                                Janet Krasner Aronson
                Send your monthly                                                                

             Jewish Happenings to                                                   For more information,

                                                                                    contact Kim Adler
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