Page 15 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 15

FEDERATION NEWS                                                                      December 2020                                      15A

 Continuing to learn about BDS and anti-Israel trends

 Part  3: A  Crash  Course  in Talking
 to Younger Generations about Israel
 and Antisemitism
 As Jewish professionals, parents,
 grandparents  and/or  family  members,
 how can we best understand and re-
 spond to the issues facing our younger
 generations  around antisemitism  and
 Israel on college campuses and in our
 communities?  We heard  from three
 current college  students on campuses
 in south Florida about their experi-
 ences. We heard ways to help navigate
 conversations about Israel with young-
 er generations and learned that it won’t
 be easy. Many of us will need to sus-
 pend our beliefs built over many years
 to listen, listen and listen to what young
 people are saying.
 To learn  more  about  the  Heller
 CRC, please visit
 or contact me at
 or 941.343.2109.

 CRConnect: Question of the month

 Palestine during the British Mandate
 had the Star of David on it.
 Jews didn’t just take over the land.
 They purchased it, they developed  it
 and they grew the country. Purchas-
 es were made between the 1880s and

 1930s through  the  Jewish National
 Fund, the Palestine Land Development
 Company  and  the  Palestine  Jewish
 Colonization Association.
 The Balfour Declaration,  made
 in 1917, stated British support for the
 establishment  of a Jewish State  in
 Palestine.  Post-World  War I, the  Al-
 lies created the British Mandate to put
 the  Balfour  Declaration  into  effect.
 The League of Nations confirmed the
 Mandate, charging the Mandatory gov-
 ernment with establishing a national              GIVING
 homeland for the Jewish people in Pal-
 estine. When the United Nations Char-             GIVING
 ter was adopted in 1945, Article 80 of
 the Charter maintained the rights to a
 Jewish homeland under the Mandate.                                / giv  ing / noun
 For more detailed information and                                 / giv  ing / noun
 original source material, visit jfedsrq.         the best way to get more out of life
 org/crconnect. To learn more about the
 Heller CRC, contact Jessi Sheslow at             the best way to get more out of life or 941.343.2109
 Next month’s question:
 Isn’t it true that Israel is an apart-  At the Tidewell Foundation, the spirit of giving runs year round.
 heid state, just like South Africa was?   From providing exceptional care through Tidewell Hospice, to lifting
               At the Tidewell Foundation, the spirit of giving runs year round.
 Doesn’t that justify boycotts, sanc-
 tions, divestment  and  isolation from   From providing exceptional care through Tidewell Hospice, to lifting
               spirits with music and pet therapy, to restoring hope for children and
 the civilized world?
               families through grief counseling, your generosity makes it all possible.
               spirits with music and pet therapy, to restoring hope for children and
 Read the current and previous   families through grief counseling, your generosity makes it all possible.

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