Page 4 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 4

4A                         December 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     CEO Howard Tevlowitz to retire in 2021

     Staff Report
            oward Tevlowitz, CEO of The       area Jewish institutions          and future generations, has been inspir-  sota where he can continue to do good
            Jewish  Federation  of  Sara-   ‹   Creating  a security infrastructure   ing for all of our community members   deeds.”
     Hsota-Manatee  for more  than            to ensure the safety of the Jewish   and donors. Because of his leadership,   Howard Tevlowitz  commented,
     20 years,  has announced plans  to re-   community in partnership with Se-  we are in a position to truly begin the   “With the support of forward-think-
     tire as of December 31, 2021. He has     cure Community Network, includ-                                               ing and creative volunteer lead-
     spent his entire career working in Jew-  ing the hiring of the organization’s                                          ership and an outstanding and
     ish Federations in Long Beach, Cali-     first Community Security Director                                             dedicated professional team, we
     fornia, Philadelphia and Minneapolis.   ‹   Establishing relationships and                                             have  worked together  to  grow
     Under his leadership,  our Federation    deep-rooted  partnerships with                                                Federation  in ways none of us
     has evolved into a thriving 21  centu-   educational,  faith-based and arts                                            could have ever imagined. It is
     ry organization. His accomplishments     organizations throughout the com-                                             not my intention to say good-
     include:                                 munity                                                                        bye.  Instead,  it  is  my  firm  and
     ‹   The  re-envisioning  of the  Fed-  ‹   Bringing  financial  stability  to                                          sincere belief that this year-long
        eration’s 33-acre  Larry & Mary       the Federation through engaging                                               transition is necessary to take us
        Greenspon Family  Campus for          strong  financial  leadership  and   Federation President Randon Carvel, Federation CEO   to the next level.”
        Jewish Life, for which an ongoing     establishing  diversified  revenue   Howard Tevlowitz, Federation Past-President Michael Ritter  The Federation has initiated
        capital  campaign  so far has suc-    streams                           transformational  changes that  will   a national search for its next CEO with
        cessfully raised $15.4 million        Randon Carvel, Federation  Pres-  serve our community  for many years   a diversified group: Chair Joel Morgan-
     ‹   Establishing a LIFE & LEGACY™    ident, noted, ”Howard’s dedication to   to come. We owe a debt of gratitude   roth MD, Vice Chair Patti Wertheimer,
        community-wide endowment cam-     our Jewish community for more than    to  this  amazing  man.  Fortunately  for   Veronica Brady, Randon Carvel, David
        paign that  has secured more than   20 years, and his vision of what great   us, although he will be retiring, we are   Millstone, Michael Ritter, Wayne Ru-
        $20 million in legacy gifts for 11   things we can achieve  for ourselves   glad to know he is staying here in Sara-  ben and Rabbi Jennifer Singer.
     Noam Shuster – “Laugh Your Tuchus Off!” live from Israel

     By Gayle Guynup
            oam Shuster is not your typical   mania, and my mom was born in Iran   and the Iran I feel when she hugs me   ing my material and working in come-
            comedienne.  But  then  again,   and is an Iranian Jew. I am half Ashke-  and speaks about her memories.”  dy clubs in the U.S., it was truly, truly
     Nthere is not much that is typ-      nazi, European Jewish, and half East-     Shuster and a Palestinian girl from   amazing.”
     ical about this Israeli political activist   ern Sephardic Jewish.”        Jaffa  received  a  “Coexistence”  schol-  Shuster said that after being a po-
     who has turned to stand-up comedy in     Shuster’s Iranian grandmother     arship to Boston’s Brandeis Universi-  litical activist for so many years, “the
     order to share her message.                                                ty, where Shuster studied international   situation here had just become worse
        Shuster will  perform  virtually  in                                    relations as well as theater. “Brandeis   and worse, and first and foremost, I was
     “Laugh  Your  Tuchus  Off!”  live  from                                    was amazing,” she said. “I studied. I   exhausted. I wanted to ignite some-
     Israel  for  The  Jewish  Federation  of                                   was an activist  on campus.  I learned   thing creative that I had always had in
     Sarasota-Manatee on  Thursday, De-                                         what it means being an American Jew   me. I channeled my personal capabil-
     cember 31 at 10:30 a.m.                                                    vs. being an Israeli Jew coming to the   ities  in order to spread hope through
        “For this show, I think  what  we                                       United States.”                       my art, my stand-up routines. It was
     will do is have a really hilarious and in-                                     While  at Brandeis, an internship   the most immediate thing I could do to
     teresting, funny and serious, conversa-                                    with the women’s organization We Act   start speaking to the hearts and minds
     tion about these crazy past few months                                     took her to Rwanda, where she worked   of people. Soon, I found I could reach
     that I have experienced, starting with                                     with women who had been raped and     more people and speak freely through
     having to move out of Harvard and                                          were HIV positive. She was awarded    my craft. I didn’t need to be in an or-
     move back home in the middle of this             Noam Shuster              the Davis Peace Prize for developing   ganization or a political group in order
     dream year, getting COVID and being   and infant mother moved to Israel in   peacebuilding programs for HIV-posi-  to be effective. As Noam, I am strong
     quarantined  in a hotel  with a bunch   1957. Shuster was raised speaking both     tive youth in Kigali. After graduating,   enough, I am talented  enough, my
     of Jews and Arabs who were getting   Hebrew and Arabic in a peace village   Shuster returned to Israel to work for   voice is strong enough that I can make
     along in a most extraordinary  way,”   near  Tel Aviv (Neve Shalom), where   the peacebuilding group Interpeace, an   people laugh and tell a story without
     said Shuster. “I’ll share things from my   Palestinian and Jewish Israeli families   international  organization  formed by   waiting for anyone’s approval. This is
     childhood, what it was like as a Jew-  lived, committed to educating and rais-  the  United  Nations  in  1994, with  the   what cultural activism did for me,” she
     ish woman growing up with Palestin-  ing their children together.          goal of preventing violence and build-  explained.
     ians, what it is like being a mixed Jew,   Shuster was greatly influenced by   ing lasting peace around the world.   Shuster said she believes  politics
     and being a peace activist most of my   her family’s Iranian roots, which were   But with the political  situation   and  comedy  feed  off  of  each  other.
     life. All of these topics we will explore     mostly kept hidden from her as the   between  Israelis  and Palestinians  at   “Politicians are the best comedians we
     together.”                           family embraced life in their new Jew-  an impasse, Shuster felt she wasn’t   have  right  now.  And comedians  are
        But let’s start at the beginning.   ish homeland. Shuster said, “My roots   reaching people with her message. So,   the best politicians we have right now.
        “I am Jewish  with mixed roots,”   are strong. My family can never forget   once again she began telling her jokes   People are listening to comedians in a
     Shuster explained.  “My father is the   about the Iran they remember and love,   – about the village where she grew up,   way that they haven’t before in regard
     son of  Holocaust  survivors from  Ro-  the Iran I smell in my mother’s kitchen,   about  her  identity  as  an  Iranian-born   to politics.  These two worlds never
                                                                                Jew and even dating in Israel.        need to be separated.  The best satire
                                                                                    Years later, Shuster became a vis-  comes from the worst political circum-
                                                                                iting  fellow with  the  Religion, Con-  stances. This is what feeds my comedy.
                                                                                flict  and  Peace  Initiative  of  Harvard   People are listening to it, people are
                                                                                Divinity School. “Harvard was a very   paying close attention  today. Come-
                                                                                different experience. I was much more   dy is a great tool to make people see
                                                                                mature. I was an artist visiting, a fellow   things. It helps reveal things that peo-
                                                                                on campus working on my craft, my     ple forget to see about racism, bigot-
                                                                                comedy. Harvard was really  a dream   ry, sexism and oppression. Comedians
                                                                                come true,” she said.                 reveal  these  things  and  help  people
                                                                                    “When I came to Harvard, it was   see them without becoming  numb to
                                                                                after  my change  in career, moving   them,” she said.
                                                                                from the UN to being  a comedienne.       Shuster said her goal is not simply
                                                                                At Harvard, I really came to practice   to make people laugh. “I want to make
                                                                                what comedy means to me and to write   people think.”
                                                                                my one-woman show (which she per-         Tickets for Shuster’s New Year’s
                                                                                forms in  Hebrew, English  and  Ara-  Eve day performance are $10 per
                                                                                bic), titled “Coexistence My Ass.” Of     household. For reservations, go to jfed
                                                                                course, I didn’t expect it to end so For more information,
                                                                                abruptly in April because of COVID,   contact Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113
                                                                                but for all the months I was develop-  or
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