Page 28 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 28

28A                          June/July 2021                                         ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

                                              73 fun facts about Israel...continued from previous page
                                              17. Israel recycles 90% of the waste-    Lake Michigan.                     35. In 2020, the most popular baby
                                                  water it creates, making it the lead-  27. The glue on Israel’s postage stamps   names in Israel were Mohammad
                                                  ing nation in the world for water    is kosher.                            for boys and Miriam for girls.
                                                  recycling.  In the United States,   28. Israel has over 50 alternative meat   36. Syrian hamsters were first domes-
                                                  only 1% of wastewater is recycled.   startups – a disproportionately       ticated as pets by a zoologist at the
                                              18. In July 2012, a group of artists in   high number compared to else-        Hebrew University of Jerusalem in
                                                  Netanya created the world’s larg-    where around the world – making       1930.
                                                  est  mosaic  made  of socks, using   it  a  fake  meat  powerhouse.  Per-  37. Israel has more museums (230 and
                                                  12,000 in total. (All of them clean,   haps it’s no surprise, given that the   counting) per capita than any other
                                                  thankfully.)                         country has more vegans per capita    country in the world. A new muse-
                                                                                       than any other country.
                                              19. Cows in Israel produce more milk   29. Researchers  in  Israel  have  grown   um dedicated to women is opening
           SMART                              20. An Israeli company has developed     mouse embryos in bottles in a rev-  38. Israel has its very own Stone-
                                                  on average than do dairy cows in
                                                  other countries.
                                                                                                                             henge, an ancient  stone circle
                                                                                       olutionary way to observe the first
                                                  a revolutionary spray-on skin made
                                                                                                                             called  Galgal  Refa’im  with  mas-
                                                                                       stages of mammalian  embryonic
          CHOICES                             21. Israelis love kids. With an average   30. In 2020, Israel was the eighth most   sive rock walls that jut eight feet
                                                  of nanofiber to help heal wounds.
                                                                                                                             into the sky. The stone structure is
                                                                                                                             around 5,000 years old and is made
                                                                                       expensive  country  in the  world
                                                  of three children per woman, Israel
          Being informed is the backbone          has the highest fertility rate among   to live in. Switzerland came in at   up of some 42,000 tons of basalt
                                                                                       number one.
                                                  the 37 countries  in the OECD,
                                                                                                                             stone. It was only discovered in the
             to great decision-making.            where the average is 1.7.         31. Israelis eat some 24 million  suf-   1960s.
                                              22. Israel performs more in-vitro fer-   ganiyot (donuts) during the eight-  39. The Mount of Olives is the old-
               Make sure you’re receiving
                                                                                       day holiday of Hanukkah.
              all of the important news and       tilization per capita than any other   32. In 2020, Tel Aviv was named the   est continuously used cemetery in
                                                                                                                             the world. It’s been in use for over
                                                  country,  and  it’s  free  for  the  first
              information impacting Jewish        two babies.                          fifth  most  expensive  city  in  the   3,000 years.
            life in Sarasota-Manatee with our   23. Babies in Israel are 10 times less   world to live in, according to the   40. Israel is home to the largest known
                 information channels:            likely to be allergic to peanuts than   Economist  Intelligence  Unit. Zu-  dog cemetery of the ancient world.
                                                  in other countries. Studies suggest
                                                                                       rich, Paris, Hong Kong and Singa-
                                                                                                                             More than 1,300 dog skeletons,
           1     SOCIAL MEDIA                     it’s because they eat Bamba peanut   33. An Israeli company has developed   most of them puppies, were found
                                                                                       pore came in before it.
                                                                                                                             at the Ashkelon site.
                                                  snacks from an early age.
                                              24. According  to  Hebrew-language       a paint that uses sunlight to acti-  41. Israeli students won an internation-
                                                                                       vate a cooling mechanism on cars,
                                                  Wikipedia, there are seven differ-
                                                                                                                             al award for producing real honey
             Social Media: While we don’t always
             post hourly, we do post often. What do we   ent ways to eat a Krembo, one of   buildings, planes and even cloth-  without bees, using a bacterium
             post? Time-sensitive news, alerts, items of   Israel’s favorite snacks.   ing, providing air conditioning       programmed  to  “learn”  how  to
             interest, and more. Follow us on Facebook,   25. Members of a voluntary organiza-  without electricity. The hotter it is,   make honey.
             Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more!
             Find us by searching for “JFEDSRQ.”  tion called Trail Angels open their   the more the coating cools.       42. An Israeli  company  has devel-
                                                  homes to hikers on the 1,025-km   34. Israel  takes  in  more  immigrants   oped an atmospheric water gener-
           2                      (637-mile)  Israel  Trail,  offering   than any other country in the world   ator that can create clean drinking
                                                                                                                             water  from  the  air. It  has been
                                                  free beds, showers and other ame-
                                                                                       per capita. Since it was founded in
                                                                                                                             over the world.
                                                                                       migrated to Israel.
             Website     26. Israel  is roughly half  the  size  of   1948, 3.3 million people have im-  deployed in disaster situations all
             Whether you’re on your desk-                                                                                 43. Israel has the largest underground
             top, laptop or smartphone, the                                                                                  hospital  in  the  world:  the  2,000-
             Federation website, has everything above and
             below (and more) right at your fingertips. Keep                                                                 bed  Sammy  Ofer  Fortified  Un-
             our event calendars in your bookmarks bar for                                                                   derground Emergency Hospital at
             event information in a click.                                                                                   Rambam  Health  Care  Campus  in
           3     EBLAST                            MAKE LIFE                                                              44. In Israel,  it  is legal  to  write  the
                                                   MAKE LIFE
                                                                                                                             Jewish calendar date on all official
                                                   AWESOME.                                                                  documents, including checks, in-
            Federation Eblast:                                                                                               stead of (or in addition to) the Gre-
            Receive timely Federation              JOIN US FOR A JOURNEY                                                     gorian date.
                                                   MAKE LIFE
            news, topics, and more,                JOIN US FOR A JOURNEY                                                  45. A Tel Aviv company has invented
            in your email by                       WHERE YOU’LL TAP INTO                                                     a folding car that can retract its
            subscribing to the weekly newsletter,    WHERE YOU’LL TAP INTO
                                                   YOURSELF, YOUR PEOPLE,
            the Federation eBlast.                 AWESOME.                                                                  wheels for narrow streets and snug
                                                   YOURSELF, YOUR PEOPLE,
           4     JEWISH NEWS                       AND YOUR HOMELAND.
                                                   JOIN US FOR A JOURNEY
                                                   AND YOUR HOMELAND.
                                 FEDERATION NEWS L ’Shana Tova!   WHERE YOU’LL TAP INTO
                                                   YOURSELF, YOUR PEOPLE,
                                     FROM THE BOARD AND STAFF OF
            The Jewish News: The                                     Celebrating        Years  The Jewish    With the skies opening up,
                                 Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
                                        P U B L I S H E D   B Y
                                        OF SARASOTA-MANATEE
            publication that brings the        25  Jewish Happenings  Staff Report programming for the 2020-21 season  AND YOUR HOMELAND.
                                       THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                                       FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE
                                      13  Community Focus
                                      20  Jewish Interest
                                                   refresh your spirit with a
                                 September 2020 - Elul 5780 / Tishrei 5781       Volume 50, Number 8
                                                   With the skies opening up,
                                 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Federation to offer all virtual
                                      39  Commentary
                                      43  Focus on Youth
                                   he Jewish Federation of Sara-
            Jewish community right to your   Where your dollars go:    4  cases that continue to climb in Flori-  would  have  to  be  in  effect  to  feel   ‹ ‹ event. All  answers  clearly  showed   meaningful experience in Israel.
                                      47  Life Cycle
                                   sota-Manatee has made the dif-
                                     2020-21 season?
                                     door event for the coming Fall-Winter
                                      38  Israel & the Jewish World Tficult decision that all programs
                                   for the 2020-21 season will be virtual.
                                     As you can see, an overwhelming
                                   Chief Executive Officer Howard Tev-
                                        reluctance on the part of the com-
                                     majority  would  not  feel  comfortable
                                   lowitz  says,  “In  an  effort  to  keep  the
                                     attending or thought it was too soon to
                                   community  safe,  we  feel  we  have  no
                                                   refresh your spirit with a
                                        lightening. Here are a few:
                                   choice but to make this decision. The
                                        Many  of  the  comments  were  en-
                                   health of our Federation family is too
                                     Other  questions  included  at
                                          I will not be attending in the fore-
                                     what capacity one would attend an
                                   In  addition  to  the  Coronavirus
                                        seeable  future. Very  glad  you  are
                                     in-person  event,  what  conditions
                                        asking, but no, no and NO!!!
            door every month with news,   taken to a new level  12  answered  by  more  than  550  re-  event  (i.e.,  masks,  sanitizers,  etc.)  4.0 %  9 .5 %  sider, no indoor events should be   meaningful experience in Israel.
                                     comfortable to attend an in-person
                                          With  an  older  population  to  con-
                                American Friends of
                                   da, Tevlowitz  points  to  the  results  of
                                Leket Israel
                                   our recent event survey, which clearly
                                   attend in-person events for the foresee-
                                   showed the community is not ready to
                                        planned  until  there  is  a  vaccine.
                                     and  when  would  you  see  yourself
                                        Appreciate  the  varied  programs
                                   able future. “We have heard you loud
                                        and films you’ve provided.
                                     ready to come out to an in-person
                                   and clear,” says Tevlowitz.
                                   The  event  survey  sent  out
                                        continued on page 2
                                   via  email  and  social  media,  was
                                     LEVEL OF COMFORT TO ATTEND INDOOR EVENTS
                                        SURVEY RESULTS
                                      3 .2 %
                                  feedback  about  our  current  virtual
                                  programming and questioned about
                                Lechlechallah – Challah baking
                                        .2  Percent  Will avoid attending in-
                                  spondents.  They  were  asked  for  57 .2
                                  how comfortable one would feel at-
                                        57door events for the foreseeable future
            events, and more.  Get your FREE   Temple Beth Sholom Catering:  16  time to let us know their thoughts.  26.1 26 soon to tell 3 attending indoor events .2  Percent  Have no concern about    YOUR YEAR-LONG   JOIN  ENJOY
                                  tending in-person events this com-
                                  ing season. We are so grateful that
                                  so many in our community took the
                                       4 but may still attend indoor events
                                        .0  Percent  Would be nervous,
                                  The  pie  chart  at  right  shows  the
                                  answer to the main question: What is
                                       .5  Percent  Will attend so long as CDC/
                                  your level of comfort attending an in-
                                       9federal/state guidelines are strictly followed
                                                                            Join men from all over the world for
                                        .1  Percent  Think that it is too
                                Keeping connected and
            subscription today!  reflect the views of, or serve as endorsement  46  gramming, including helping a number   was  overwhelming.  The  committee   mittee focused its efforts on fulfilling   YOUR YEAR-LONG   JOIN  ENJOY
                                                                            Join men from all over the
                                                                                                 Enjoy empowering Jewish
                                kosher with Shabbat meals
                                  Federation awards 2 nd  phase of COVID-19
                                                   JOURNEY WITH
                                  n April  of  this  year,  The  Jewish
                                  assistance to area Jewish organizations
                                  Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                   YOUR YEAR-LONG
                                  Ibegan  raising  funds  to  provide
                                  By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer, and Stacey Gillman, Stronger Together Granting Chair
                                    visual  systems  in  order
                                    to  provide  virtual  ser-
                                  COVID-19  relief  to  Jewish  organiza-
                                    vices  and  programs  for
                                  tions  in  our  two-county  area.  As  of
                                                                            world for a revitalizing year of
                                                                                                 classes led by world-class
                                    our  community  mem-
                                    bers, many of whom are
                                  this printing, our generous community
                                  has contributed more than $330,000 to
                                The Gan plans an exciting
                                and safe school year
                                                                            a revitalizing year o
                                    isolated and alone due to
                                  our Stronger Together effort, including
                                    the pandemic.
                                                                            self-exploration, unforgettable f self-exploration,
                                PAID POLITICAL
                                    In  July,  the  Stron-
                                                                            Join men from all over the
                                                                                                 Enjoy empowering Jewish
                                  a  $100,000  matching  grant  from  our
                                  board-restricted fund.
                                                   JOURNEY WITH
                                    ger  Together  Granting
                                    Committee  met  to  re-
                                  uted close to $70,000 of those dollars
                                  Readers may recall that we distrib-
           5     SHALOMSRQ     Annual voluntary subscription: $25  NON-PROFIT ORG.  U.S. POSTAGE MANASOTA FL PERMIT 167 PAID  fall. After much deliberation, the com- See our ad on page 3A  ing programs: for $157,660 in grants for the follow-  MOMENTUM BEGINS    world for a revitalizing year of   classes led by world-class   Prototype of the City Transformer folding electric
                                  to eight Jewish organizations and syna-
                                This issue of The Jewish News contains a paid
                                    view applications for the second phase
                                                                                                 speakers and Israeli thought-
                                                   MOMENTUM BEGINS
                                political advertisement. The ad does not
                                  gogues in early June to support Food
                                    of the granting process. The response
                                  Security  and  Health/Wellness  pro-
                                by, the staff or leadership of The Jewish
                                      those  grants  that  address  Food  Secu-
                                    received  requests  totaling  more  than
                                    was available to distribute, which was
                                  of synagogues make much-needed up-
                                Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                                      rity and Health/Wellness programming
                                    concerning as the plan was to make a
                                  grades to their technology and audio-
                                      for this phase. The committee recom-
                                    third phase of grants available in early
                               A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                      mended  and  received  Board  approval
                                                   JOURNEY WITH
                               The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
                               Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
                                                                            experiences in Israel, and inspiring
                                                                            unforgettable experiences in Israel, and
                                       continued on page 2
                                                                                                 speakers and Israeli thought-
                                                                            self-exploration, unforgettable
                                                   With the skies opening up,
                                                   WITH 8 DAYS IN ISRAEL*
                                                                            Jewish learning
                                    BUY • SELL • CONSIGN • REPAIR
                                                                            experiences in Israel, and inspiring
                                    1484 Main Street | Sarasota FL 34236 | 941.312.5566 |
                                                                            inspiring Jewish learning
                                                   refresh your spirit with a
                                                   WITH 8 DAYS IN ISRAEL*
                                                                            Jewish learning
                                                   OCTOBER 18 - 24, 2021
                                                   meaningful experience in Israel.
                                                                                                 Discover how to connect
                                                   BEGINS WITH
                                                                            Explore spiritual Tsfat, Masada’s
                                                                                                 deeper with yourself, your
                                                   YOUR YEAR-LONG
                                                                            desert magic, Shabbat in
                                                                                                 Discover how to connect
                                                                            Explore spiritual Tsfat, Masada’s desert magic,
                                                                            Explore spiritual Tsfat, Masada’s
                                                                                                                             spots, but still can reach speeds of
                               FREE  VOLUME 2  |  2020-2021  OCTOBER 18 - 24, 2021  EXPLORE      DISCOVER                    car (photo courtesy of City Transformer)
                                                                                                 family, and your community
                                                   8 DAYS IN ISRAEL*
                                                                            Jerusalem, and many more
                                                                                                 deeper with yourself, your
                                                                            desert magic, Shabbat in
                                                                                                 Enjoy empowering Jewish
                                                                            Join men from all over the
                                                   JOURNEY WITH
                                                                            Shabbat in Jerusalem, and many more unique
                                                                            unique experiences
                                                                                                 family, and your community
                                                                            world for a revitalizing year of
            ShalomSRQ: Your resource   UPDATED     OCTOBER 18 - 24, 2021    Jerusalem, and many more   classes led by world-class   55 miles an hour.
                                                                            unique experiences
                                                                                                 speakers and Israeli thought-
                                                                            self-exploration, unforgettable
            guide to everything Jewish in   DISCOVER ALL THINGS JEWISH  Sarasota-Manatee  MOMENTUM BEGINS    experiences in Israel, and inspiring   leaders  46. The main compounds of the can-
            Sarasota-Manatee. Keep it on   FIND THE LOCATIONS  WITH 8 DAYS IN ISRAEL*   Jewish learning
                              Synagogues, Food, Culture & More
                              LEARN ABOUT YOUR FEDERATION
                              History, Programs & More
                                                      Subsidized Trip
                             On the Detailed Map Locator
            hand to quickly find Jewish A PUBLICATION OF  OCTOBER 18 - 24, 2021  EXPLORE  DISCOVER           nabis plant were first isolated, an-
                                                                            Enjoy empowering Jewish classes led by
                                                      Subsidized Trip
            goods, services and organizations.                              world-class speakers and Israeli thought-        alyzed, synthesized and named in
                                                                                                 Discover how to connect
                                                                            Explore spiritual Tsfat, Masada’s
                                                                            For more information, please contact:
                                                                                                 deeper with yourself, your
            Request to be on the mailing list!     $1,200 plus air | $900 plus air for   desert magic, Shabbat in   family, and your community  Israel.
                                                                            Ivonne Bengio |
                                                                            For more information, please contact:
                                                                            Jerusalem, and many more
                                                   Momentum dads**
                                                   $1,200 plus air | $900 plus air for   Ivonne Bengio |
                                                                            unique experiences
                                                   Momentum dads**          DISCOVER |  # ChooseAwesome  47. An  Israeli  company  provides  off-
                 Find and Subscribe at            *  Dates do not include travel days to or from Israel.  Discover how to connect deeper with yourself,   grid, solar-powered automatic
                                                                                 |  # ChooseAwesome
              *** Subsidized Trip       your family, and your community.                 handwashing stations to develop-
                                                    Excluding airfare, $75 tip fee, $99 acceptance fee, and $500 fully refundable deposit.
                                                    Dates do not include travel days to or from Israel.
                                                  **For more information,
                                                    Trips will be designed with Covid modifications.
                                                    Excluding airfare, $75 tip fee, $99 acceptance fee, and $500 fully refundable deposit.
                                                   contact Gisele Pintchuck at   For more information, please contact:       ing countries, using water pulled
                                                  ***  Trips will be designed with Covid modifications.
                                                   $1,200 plus air | $900 plus air for   Ivonne Bengio |
                                                   Momentum dads** or
                                                   gpintchuc                                                                 from the atmosphere mixed with
                                                                                 |  # ChooseAwesome  a precise dose of soap, to fight the
                                                                                                                             spread of life-threatening  infec-
                                                  *  Dates do not include travel days to or from Israel.
                                                  **  Excluding airfare, $75 tip fee, $99 acceptance fee, and $500 fully refundable deposit.
                                                  ***  Trips will be designed with Covid modifications.                      tions.
                                                                                                                                       continued on next page
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