Page 38 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 38

38A                          June/July 2021                                                                 FOCUS ON YOUTH

        Spring holidays come to life

        at Temple Emanu-El Religious School

        By Sabrina Silverberg, MARE
            n the  Jewish yearly  cycle,  spring   ingfully, safely and outdoors. On April   young families participated in a Pass-  Hakim, a former Israel Defense Forces
            heralds  two much-anticipated  and   4, TEERS observed Passover with Aviv   over  sing-along,  “hunted”  for  the  10   soldier and TEERS dad, demonstrated
        Iwidely celebrated Jewish holidays:   Chaviv (Beloved Spring), an all-school   plagues, played  Passover games,  and   Krav Maga (IDF self-defense tech-
        Passover and Yom Ha’Atzmaut. These    tailgate celebration. Children and    created Passover reclining pillows and   niques) with his five-year-old daughter
        two holidays cannot be any more dif-                                        spring flowers. Each student received   Eva. It was impressive and entertaining!
        ferent  from one another  historically,                                     a Passover goodie bag to continue the   The event also included made-in-Isra-
        while being equally life- and faith-af-                                     learning and celebration at home.     el treats, Hebrew and Israeli learning
        firming for Jews around the globe.                                             On  April  18,  TEERS  celebrated   games, and a variety of Israeli-themed
            Passover marks  the  anniversary                                        Yom  Ha’Atzmaut  with  Kachol V’La-   craft projects. Both events were well-
        of the exodus from Egyptian bondage                                         van (Blue and  White).  Children and   attended and well-received.
        toward the promised land, dating back                                       families enjoyed Israeli music, learned   For more information about Tem-
        to the 12  or 13  century BCE. Yom                                          about  Israel  and  participated  in  an     ple Emanu-El Religious School, please
        Ha’Atzmaut celebrates a more current                                        Israeli-themed sing-along. Clement    call 941.378.5567.
        historical event, modern Israel’s inde-
        pendence  in  1948. Both  holidays  are                                     Teen Travel Scholarships,
        commemorated  yearly  in the spring
        with gratitude, jubilation and festivity.                                   Spring 2021
            Temple    Emanu-El    Religious
        School (TEERS) celebrated both holi-    Temple Emanu-El Religious School student   Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family Programs Manager
        days as a community – joyfully, mean-    Benny Labinger created a matzah cover
                                                                                          here is nothing we love to do   to  experience  Israel  on  BBYO  and
                                          Like and share                            Tfor our local teens to travel on a   Alexander Muss High School in Isra-
                                                                                          more than provide opportunities
                                                                                                                          el  extended-stay programs.  There  is
                                                                                    Jewish program. Each spring, our Teen
                                                                                    Travel Scholarship Committee, made    no better way to strengthen your con-
                                                                                                                          nection to Judaism and Israel than by
                                                                                    up of co-chairs Alice Cotman and Joan   learning  the  language,  shopping in
                                                                                    Levenson, along with Bart Levenson,   the stores, eating  the local  foods and
                                                                                    Paula Hayden, Dan Levison, Fran Co-   meeting  Israeli friends – speaking as
                                                                                    hen, David Liner  and Philip  Meltzer,   a NFTY Heller High graduate myself.
                                                                                    meet to award deserving teens scholar-  Your Federation is helping to provide
                                                                                    ships to travel to Israel.            meaningful and lasting relationships in
                                                                                       In this out-of-the ordinary year, we
                                                      saw a decrease in applicants traveling   and with Israel, and we are so proud to
                                                                                                                          do so.
                                                                                                                             For more information  about Teen
                                                                                    overseas. However, we look forward
                          Stay connected.                                           to the next application cycle when the   Travel Scholarships through the Jewish
                                                                                    world will be on the mend.
                                                                                                                          Federation,  contact  me at  jsheslow@
                                                                                       Our deserving teens  have  chosen
                                                                                                                 or 941.343.2109.

                                                                                        Digital Parenting

                               SCIENCE                                                  Post Covid-19

                                                                                         A Workshop for PARENTS
                               SUNDAY                                                   WORRIED ABOUT TIKTOK,

                                                                                        SNAPCHAT, AMONG US,
                                                                                        CYBERBULLYING, SEXTING

                               Enable your curiosity!                                   and MORE?
                                                                                        Learn how to teach your kids to
                                Hey PJ Our Way kids ages 9-12! Did you know that        use tech safely and wisely at this
                                Sarasota is the home to the award winning Brock Magiscope—   workshop presented by Diana
                                winner of the “Parents Choice Award”— and its inventor,    Graber, M.A., founder of CyberWise.
                                Dennis Brock— the man who has put more microscopes
                                in the hands of children than anyone? Explore and learn
                                about nature from the inventor of the “Magiscope!”      Wednesday, June 9, 2021

                                                Sunday, June 6                          at 6:30 PM EST
                                                                                        via Zoom
                                                2:00-3:30 pm

                                                IN PERSON EVENT
                                                (CDC compliant, masks must be worn)
                                                580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota

                                                 This is a FREE event,                  QUESTIONS?                          Please register for the workshop at
                                                 but please register at                 Contact Jessi Sheslow at 

                                                QUESTIONS? Contact Jessi Sheslow at
                                                941.343.2109 or
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