Page 12 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 12

12A                             March 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

                                                                                    A once-in-a-lifetime role

                                                                                    with Birthright

                                                                                    By Sydney Harlow, Gulf Coast Hillel Program Director

                                                                                          he Hillel International  Birth-  jeep, off-roading in the north four times
                                                                                          right  trip is an experience  un-  because all of my buses were having
                                                                                    Tlike any other. By connecting to     that experience!  Other memorable
                                                                                    the land of Israel, its people, our fellow   times included being present when
                                       AN  N U AL                                   participants and staff, and eating new   participants chose Hebrew names that

                           COMMUNITY CELEBRATION                                    foods, it is really a once-in-a-lifetime   were meaningful to them, celebrating
                                                                                    trip.  Amidst the amazements  of this   B’nei  Mitzvot,  and  dealing  with  par-
                                                                                    trip,  there  is  one  staff  role  that  gets   ticipants getting sick and missing the

                         Celebrating                                                little recognition, the Rakaz, who over-  day’s activities.
                                                                                    sees the staff on multiple buses running
                                                                                                                             My favorite  moment  on a Hil-

                                                                                                                          lel Birthright trip is the Shehecheyanu

                     Your Legacy                                                                                          ceremony  when  our  participants  first
                                                                                                                          come to Jerusalem. On this trip, how-
                                                                                                                          ever, all of my buses had already been
                                                                                                                          up north, down south to Tel Aviv, and
                                                                                                                          were ending their trip in Jerusalem, so
                       RSVP at                                                                         it  was even  more  meaningful.  I was
                                                                                                                          able to lead the Shehecheyanu on the
                             Thursday, April 2, 6:00 pm                                                                   Mount Scopus campus of Hebrew Uni-
                                  at Michael’s On East                                                                    versity at the overlook of the city. This
                                          with                                                                            ceremony is a time for us to come to-
                                                                                                                          gether, say the prayer and let it soak in
                                Keynote Speaker                                                                           that we are finally in Jerusalem.

                              Rabbi Daniel Cohen                                                                             It is not often that the Rakaz gets to
                                                                                                                          have  many  purposeful moments  with
                                        Rabbi Cohen shares his unique blend of          Sydney Harlow at the Sea of Galilee  participants and staff. For me, I truly

                                        wisdom and spiritual insight. He is the     similar  itineraries  and to help if and   enjoyed  being  able  to  take  some  of
                                        author of What Will They Say About You      when there is an issue.               the pressure off the staff and still work

                                        When You Are Gone? Creating a Life of          After seven trips to Israel, includ-  with the students. For example, a bus
                                        Legacy, and Senior Rabbi of Congrega-       ing three times when I was a regular   will make a stop at the Western Wall,
                                        tion Agudath Sholom in New England.
                                                                                    Birthright staffer, I was

                                                                                    fortunate enough to be
                                                                                    one of a small handful
                                                                                    of Hillel professionals
                                                         QUESTIONS?                 asked to fill the Rakaz

                   Event Chair:
                   Nelle S. Miller                  Contact Gisele Pintchuck        role in the 2019-2020
                                                           941.707.0029 or
                                                    winter  Birthright  sea-
                                                                                    son. I was in charge
                                                                                    of  four  buses from
                                                                                    college  campuses in-
                                                                                    cluding  students from      Sydney leading the Shehecheyanu on Mount Scopus
                                                                                    the University of Virginia, University   but the staff member may need to ad-

                                                                                    of Pittsburgh, University of Denver,   dress an issue, so they are not able to
                                                                                    Stanford University and the University   visit the wall with the participants. It

                                                                                    of Southern California.               felt good that I could help the staff have
                                                                                       This role started long before our   their own enlightening Israel memories
                                                                                    feet were on the ground in Israel. Lead-  as well.

                                                                                    ing up to our departure, I worked with   I also have to admit that a final plus

                        celebrate                                                   my staff to make sure they were pre-  was being in Israel during Chanukah. I
                                                                                    pared for things the second we landed.   saw more sufganiyot (donuts) than any
                                                                                    Of the eight staff members I supervised,

                     Y   OM          H    A   ’ A  T   Z  M     AU       T          three of them were staffing a Birthright
                     YOM HA’ATZMAUT

                                                                                    trip for the first time. They needed a lit-
                                I   I   n  d  e p e ae           l       a  y       tle extra training to get ready for what
                                                                                    would be a fun and hectic experience.
                                    Independence Day
                                                                e D
                                                                                       During the trip, I jumped from bus
                                                                                    to bus to make sure that 140+ partici-
                                                                                    pants, eight North American staff, four

                                               SUNDAY                               tour  educators  and  four medics  were
                                                                                    working as a team.  There were days
                                         APRIL 26                                   when all of my buses were on the same
                                                                                    schedule, at the same place and at the
                                           3:30-5:30 PM                             same time. Other days, my buses had
                                                                                    the same activity scheduled one after
                                                                                    another, so I would remain at that one     Sufganiyot in a shuk in Jerusalem
                CAMEL                      BEATRICE FRIEDMAN       FREE             location the entire day. There were also   one human can imagine. I hope to ful-
                                                                                                                          fill this role again!

                                                                                    several days I did not see any of my
                RACES                           THEATER            ADMISSION        buses since I was on the opposite side   For more information about Birth-
                                            The Larry & Mary Greenspon
                ARE BACK!                   Family Campus For Jewish Life           of the country.                       right and/or Hillel, please contact me at
                                            582 Mcintosh Rd. , Sarasota                One day I was able  to travel  by
                         NOSH ON
                         KOSHER BITES                             FUN FOR
                          &  VEGETARIAN      DANCE
                            FOODS for purchase from  TO THE MUSIC   ALL
                                                Q B
                                            F S
                                           OF SRQ BEATS! !        AGES!
                Congregation for Humanistic Judaism • Gulf Coast Hillel
             Hershorin Schif Community Day School • JFCS of the Suncoast
           Jewish National Fund • Kol HaNeshama • PJ Library • STEP Teens
          Temple Beth Sholom • Temple Emanu-El • Temple Sinai • World ORT
                                                       For more information, visit
           QUESTIONS? Contact Jessi Sheslow
           941.343.2109 or

                  The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers,

                           committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
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