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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                       March 2020                                      11B


                   TUESD      A Y ,   MAR   CH    2 4                                          SUNDAY, MARCH 29
                   TUESDAY, MARCH 24
                     Alpha Epsilon Phi Suncoast Luncheon                                                 NCJW Angel Patron’s Tea
            Members of Alpha Epsilon Phi Suncoast will gather once again to renew      The National  Council of Jewish  Women (NCJW) will hold its  Angel
            old friendships and make new ones at their annual luncheon at 11:30 a.m.   Patron’s Tea at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Geri Drexler, 6823 Dominion
            at Marina Jack’s (2 Marina Plaza, Sarasota) on the 2nd floor with a scenic   Lane, Lakewood Ranch. The theme is “Glorious Crowns - A History of

            view of the bay. All area AEPhi alumnae are welcome to attend, but reser-  Hats.” Many types of hats will be on display courtesy of Dillard’s and
            vations are required. Please contact chair Sora Hecht Yelin at sorayelin@  can be purchased at a 10% discount. All attendees are encouraged to wear
   if you wish to attend or for further information.                a favorite hat. This event has been very successful and last year raised
                                                                                       $6,500 to support NCJW programs such as Hope House, HIPPY (Home
                           Chabad Women’s Circle Walk                                  Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters), Blankee Bee, Puppets and
            All women are welcome to meet up with some friendly women of Chabad        all advocacy events. Guests are welcome. Please send your reservation and
            Women’s Circle.  Make  new friends,  visit  with  old  friends  and  bolster   $75 donation to Paula Reich, 6927 Honeysuckle Trail, Lakewood Ranch,
            friendships as we walk and talk our way across the Ringling Bridge. Meet   FL 34202. For more information, email Paula at
            at 1:00 p.m. at Hart’s Landing to enjoy a social afternoon walk. Hart’s
            Landing is the first right when going on the Ringling Bridge. The sign will             Esther: The Musical Final Rehearsal

            read T.J. “Tony” Saprito Fishing Pier. For more information or to RSVP,    The uplifting original production of Esther: The Musical was written and
            email                                           composed by musician and director Jim Brenner. The play, in word and
                                                                                       song, recounts the story of Esther, who became Queen of ancient Persia
                                                                                       and saved her Jewish people from death by Haman. The final rehearsal of

                WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25
                WEDNESD          A Y ,   MAR   CH    2 5                               the play at 2:00 p.m., with a mixture of romance, humor and pathos, with all
                                                                                       original music and songs, is open to the public at the Al Katz Center, 5710
                                                                                       Cortez  Road  West, Bradenton. Donations greatly  appreciated.  Healthy
                TBS Sisterhood’s Fashion Show and Luncheon                             kosher refreshments provided. To RSVP, call Beverly at 941.313.9239.
            Besides celebrating Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood’s 10th anniversary,
            this event (Honey’s Sophisticated Ladies Catch the Buzz Fashion Show                Avi Jorisch Comes to Temple Emanu-El
            and Luncheon) celebrates the importance of bees to our environment and     Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
            the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Enjoy a glass of wine and a kosher meal   The Jewish Federation  of Sarasota-Manatee, DALET and  Temple
            by Michael’s On East while perusing the array of items in a silent auction.   Emanu-El proudly welcome bestselling writer and Middle East expert Avi
            Evelyn & Arthur will again showcase its fashions that focus on lifestyle,   Jorisch to Sarasota. Jorisch is the renowned author of Thou Shalt Innovate:
            philanthropy and quality. Yellow Strawberry Hair Salons will lend talented   How  Israeli  Ingenuity  Repairs  the  World – describing  the  motivations,
            hair and makeup stylists to help the models look their best. The event be-  ingenuity and persistence of Israelis of all faiths compelled by the spirit of
            gins at noon at Temple Beth Sholom, 1050 South Tuttle Ave., Sarasota.      tikkun olam – an inspiring book that has been translated into 30 languages.
            Tickets are $60; registration required. For more information and to RSVP,   This special event commemorates the 75th anniversary of Europe’s
            call the temple office at 941.955.8121 or email info@templebethsholomfl.      liberation from WWII. It begins at 2:00 p.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151

            org.                                                                       McIntosh Road, Sarasota.  Tickets are available  for $18 in advance  at
                                                                             , and will also be available for $25 at the door. For
                                                                                       more information, please call 941.371.2788.

                                                                                              TUESD       A Y ,   MAR   CH   3 1
                                                                                              TUESDAY, MARCH 31

                                                                                                       AJC’s Spring Lunch & Learn
           Join us in our campus re-imagination...                   Described by the late  Israeli President Shimon Peres as the “foreign

                                                                                       minister  of  the  Jewish  people,” AJC’s  Chief  Executive  Officer,  David

                                                                                       Harris, has spoken at some of the world’s most prestigious forums. Join
                 THURSDAY, MARCH 26                                                    us from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Michael’s on the Bay at Selby Gardens

                                                                                       (811 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota) to hear Harris speak about “A World in

                                                                                       Flux: Rising Anti-Semitism and Global Jewish Affairs in 2020.” The event
                         Women’s Passover Celebration
                          Join us as we reimagine our 32 acre campus.
                               We are JFED Proud & Strong!                             chairs are David & Edie Chaifetz, Jerry & Wendy Feinstein, and Larry &
            Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                     Debbie Haspel. The event is generously sponsored by Williams Parker.
                 KLINGENSTEIN JEWISH CENT ER  |  5 80 MCINTOSH RD, SARASOTA FL 34232  | 941-371-4546  |
            The voices of women will be raised in celebration of the many accom-       The cost of $36 includes the lecture and luncheon. Advance registration
            plishments and freedoms achieved in the 100 years since women won the      is required. To RSVP or for more information, call 941.365.4955 or email
            right to vote. Join us for this Seder-style event led by the women who
            lead our congregations, community and homes: rabbis, cantors, mothers
            and daughters. Event Co-chairs Janis, Mary & Ella Collier represent three
                                 Contact us to learn more.
            generations! This event is for women of all ages, and begins at 5:00 p.m.
                                                           Rich Bergman
                                              Ilene Fox
                Howard Tevlowitz
                                Kim Mullins
            at Michael’s On East, 1212 East Ave. S., Sarasota. Pre-registration is re-
                                                            Major Gifts
            quired at Tickets are $90 for individuals and $45 for
            students.  Sponsorships available.  For more  information,  please  contact                         PROMOTING
            Lisa Feinman at or 941.706.0034.
                                                                                                                AN EVENT?
                     FRIDAY, MARCH 27

                                                                                                                Our Weekly Banner Ads
                       Shabbat Alive! at Temple Emanu-El
            Shabbat Alive! is back! Temple Emanu-El members and hundreds of com-                                Get the Word Out!

            munity guests fill the pews for this quarterly all-musical Shabbat celebration                       Federation Eblast interactive banner ads are
            – and we hope you will be among them. With upbeat, contemporary and
            inspiring arrangements of the traditional prayers, led by Rabbi Brenner                             delivered to over 7,500 Eblast newsletter
            Glickman,  Rabbi  Michael  Shefrin,  and  professional  and  volunteer                              subscribers each week for only $75 per
            musicians,  Shabbat Alive!  is  stirring,  magnificent,  exhilarating,  jubilant

            and altogether  unique.  Please join  us for a very special and spiritual                           week--that’s less than 1¢ per recipient!
            Shabbat experience at 7:15 p.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Road,                              And, with Federation’s Exclusivity
            Sarasota. For more information, call the temple office at 941.371.2788.

                                                                                                                Guarantee, you’ll be assured weekly
                                                                                                                exclusive placement of your ad. *

                  SATURDAY, MARCH 28
                                                                                                                          Want to learn more?
                        Tot Shabbat at Temple Emanu-El
            Join us at 10:30 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El (151 McIntosh Road, Sarasota)                                        Contact Adam Kaplan
            for a relaxed, welcoming and festive Shabbat celebration for young Jewish                                     941.552.6307
            and interfaith families. Enjoy playground time, a bagel breakfast, crafts,                          
            and age-appropriate  Shabbat prayers, songs and movement with Rabbi
            Brenner Glickman and Rabbi Michael Shefrin. It’s a wonderful time with
            old and new friends. Although Tot Shabbat is designed for families with
            children ages 1-6, all are invited to this free event. For more information,
            call Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman at 941.379.1997.
           Read the current and previous                                                                                 *We limit ads to a maximum of 4 per Eblast, and only one
                                                                                                                          business per profession.
              editions of The Jewish News                                                                     ONLINE INFORMATION
               online at                                        Advertising
                   Check out our programs for all ages at
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