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4B                         January 2021                                                            JEWISH HAPPENINGS


              MONDAY, JANUARY 11                                                      WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13

                              Newcomers Event                                                          “Jews in the Military”                                                 “Caring for Our Seniors
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                      American Jews continue to display incredible bravery in today’s military                – in Sarasota and in Israel”
        New to Sarasota-Manatee or new to the Federation? Join us on Zoom from      battles.  David  Bernstein  ranked  fifth  in  his  class  at  the  United  States
        5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and meet Federation lay leaders and staff and, most im-   Military  Academy and was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for
        portantly, neighbors down your street. This event is free; please consider   risking his life in Iraq under extreme enemy fire in an effort to rescue one
        making a donation to support our Federation’s Virtual Programming ef-       of his fellow soldiers. Although suffering from a mortar wound, Bernstein
        forts at To register, visit For more in-  extracted the driver to safety, directed the security of his objective, and
        formation, contact Jeremy Lisitza at or 941.343.2113.  repulsed the enemy forces before succumbing to his wounds. This class,
                                                                                    presented by the Al Katz Center, begins at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10
             “Speak Out, Stand Up Against Antisemitism”                             per day or $50 per month for all classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom
        What  are  the  basic  elements  of religious  discrimination?  “Disparate   link, please call Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.
        treatment”  refers to rules and policies  being applied  inconsistently  and
        intentionally in a discriminatory manner against someone of a protected               “The History of the Jews of Florida”
        class including minorities and women. Although it is commonplace for                          With Marcia Jo Zerivitz
        some protected  classes to be readily  believed  as discriminated  against   Despite not being officially allowed to live in Florida until 1763, Jewish
        without proof, it is also routine for Jews to be questioned or disbelieved   immigrants escaping expulsions and exclusions were among the earliest
        about antisemitism against them. Why is antisemitism often discounted       settlers. They have been integral to every facet of Florida’s growth, from
        or dismissed by authorities and the media? This class, presented by the Al   tilling the land and developing early communities  to boosting tourism
        Katz Center, begins at noon via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month    and ultimately pushing mankind into space. The Sunshine State’s Jews,
        for all classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly     working for the  common  good, have  been  Olympians, Nobel  Prize
        Newman at 941.313.9239.                                                     winners, pioneers, educators, politicians,  leaders in business and more.
                              NCJW Book Club                                        The  presentation  begins  at  10:00  a.m.  via  Zoom.  Fill  out the  form  on
                                                                            for  the  password.  No  cost,  but  donations  are
        The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Book Club will discuss          always appreciated. For more information, call the Temple Beth Sholom
        The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See on Zoom from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.          office at 941.955.8121 or email
        The NCJW Sarasota-Manatee section website (
        has information about the Book Club, the title selections and dates for the                CHJ Virtual Education Series
        upcoming season. Click on Community Services at the top of the page.        The Congregation  for Humanistic  Judaism (CHJ) invites  you to hear
        You will also find Goodreads reviews of the books. There is no charge       Harold Halpern, retired Sarasota attorney and esteemed contributor to the
        for this event and guests are welcome. For more information and the         Sarasota Herald-Tribune and The Jewish News. His topic will be “Current
        Zoom link, contact Michelle Rosenthal at or          Israeli Social, Religious and Political Issues.” This free event begins at
        609.306.8383.                                                               2:00 p.m. on Zoom. For the link to the virtual program, call 941.929.7771
                                                                                    or email

              TUESDAY, JANUARY 12                                                      “Biblical HERstory” With Rabbi Samantha Kahn
                                                                                    Temple Sinai’s Rabbi Kahn will teach an engrossing course about real-life
                      Brandeis Art in the Afternoon                                 lessons from biblical women. The class will bring ancient text to life in
        Join Brandeis National Committee (BNC) from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.        new and modern ways, focusing on well-known and unfamiliar biblical
                                                                                    women. Through these women, their historical context and modern-day
        on Zoom. Charles Troy, Music Historian, will make a fabulous musical        parallels,  we will glean practical  strategies and inspiration for how to
        presentation on “The Creation of Fiddler on the Roof.” Charles is back by   affect the world we live in today. Join us at 2:00 p.m. on Zoom. Topics:
        popular demand for the 6th year to tell us another fascinating story behind   January 13 – Warriors; January 27 – Lobbyists. For more information,
        the creation (from page to stage) of this best loved musical. As an added   call 941.924.1802 or email For the Zoom link, visit
        bonus, Charles will interview Austin Pendleton and Joanna Merlin, the
        original Motel and Tzeitel, about their memories of the first production.
        This season, BNC members can experience a BNC Art in the Afternoon
        program free. The cost for guests is $18. BNC membership includes Study
        Groups, Art in the Dark and other special events. The event fee may be
                                                                                         we are
        applied to membership. To receive a private Zoom link, please register
        with Maris Margulies at or 941.757.3012.                          FED

                                                                                                  Engaging Jewish Lives
         A PMP Alumni: At Home Virtual Performance
            Available on and the Perlman Suncoast YouTube Channel

                                          THE ARIEL QUARTET
                                          JANUARY 21, 2021

                                                                                        e take great pride in engaging Jewish lives in our community.
                                                                                    WFrom embracing Jewish cinema through our Jewish Film Festival
                                                                                    and Just Reel Films, to celebrating Jewish thought leaders at Women’s Day
                                                                                    and the Community Lecture, to viewing the latest exhibits during our
                                                                                    Club Fed bus trips, your Federation is dedicated to bringing the best in Jewish
           Sponsored in part by:                                                    programming to our Sarasota-Manatee community.
                           The Daniel E. Offutt, III Charitable Trust

                Visit our website to sign up for e-news and enjoy virtual performances by                                          941.371.4546
                     The Perlman Music Program alumni, faculty and students.
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