Page 6 - Jewish News_January-2021
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6A                         January 2021                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

     People of the Book: Arts & Culture                                                                                                                 People of the Book...continued from page 6A
                                                                                                                                                        and we have become hypersensitive to
     By Gayle Guynup                                                                                                                                    everything. It is counter-productive to
           he People  of the  Book author   a consulting producer on  Curb Your   off when I was 21 years old and right   experiences,  just grown apart. Over  what it sets out to do. Comedy used to
           lecture series of virtual events,   Enthusiasm. On Broadway, he collab-  out of college. I started writing jokes   a couple of years, Garry and I started  be  free-flowing  and  there  was  some-
     Tsponsored by The Jewish Fed-        orated with Billy Crystal on the Tony   for comedians  in the Catskill  Moun-  getting close again. There was a mov- thing wonderful and unifying about
     eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee, con-  Award-winning play 700 Sundays. He    tains. Then  I  was  one  of  the  original   ie that is coming out that I wrote with  it. Now you have to think twice about
     tinues  in  January with  three  books   won  the  Thurber  Prize  for  American   writers on Saturday Night Live (SNL)   Billy Crystal called Here Today. I was  everything  you say.  You can say the
                                                                                                                                                        most innocuous thing in the world,
     focusing on Jewish identity. The week-  Humor for his novel The Other Shul-  and  It’s Garry  Shandling’s Show.  So,   at Billy’s house in L.A. working on the
     long event begins Tuesday, January 5   man. During his years with  Saturday   for years people  wanted  me  to write   script. Garry and I spoke. We planned  and somebody is going to take offense.
     at 7:00 p.m. with  Alan Zweibel and   Night Live, Zweibel wrote many mem-                                        on having dinner, and I thought we  I hope the pendulum swings back to-
     his book, Laugh Lines: My Life Help-  orable characters and sketches includ-                                     would  finally  get  back  to  where  we  ward  the  middle  again,  because  it  is
     ing  Funny People  Be  Funnier.  The   ing the Samurai for John Belushi, and                                     were.  We were going to speak that  becoming very prohibitive.
                                                                                                                                                            What did you learn about your-
     following evening at 7:00 p.m., Ben-  Roseanne Roseannadanna, portrayed                                          Thursday  night,  and  he  died  sudden- self by writing this book?
     jamin  Sheehan  will  talk  about  OMG   by  Gilda  Radner.  He  has  won  multi-                                ly that Thursday morning. While with
     WTF Does the Constitution  Actually   ple Emmys, Writers Guild of America                                        Gilda,  her  death  was  a  slow  process,   Mary  Karr,  America’s  most  fa-
     Say? The week’s events will wrap up   awards, and TV Critics awards for his                                      with Garry it was so sudden. Garry was  mous memoirist (author of The Liar’s
     on Thursday, January 7 at 10:30 a.m.   work in television. In his latest book,                                   an incomplete story. This was a good  Club), said, “Writing a memoir is not
                                                                                                                                                        really an act of writing. It is an act of
     with  Myla  Goldberg  and  her  book,   Laugh Lines, Zweibel traces the histo-                                   reason to come to grips with our rela-
     Feast Your Eyes: The Story of Lillian   ry of American comedy through telling                                    tionship. I devote a couple of chapters  memory that is innately corrupt.” And
     Preston.                             his own stories and through interviews                                      in the book to Garry. It was the emo- it’s true. You tell the story you want to
     Alan Zweibel / Laugh Lines:          with friends and contemporaries, in-               Alan Zweibel             tional thrust I needed to get me to write  tell,  highlighting  the  things  you want
     My Life Helping Funny People         cluding  Richard  Lewis, Dave Barry   about my career because I have been   the book. It was therapy.         to highlight.  Look, I wasn’t wearing
                                                                                                                                                        a wire for the last 50 years. There is a
     Be Funnier                           and Carl Reiner. The book is a warm-  lucky enough to be involved in all of     What  message  does  your  book
     Alan Zweibel is an American television   hearted  cultural  memoir  of American   these  different  eras  of  comedy.  But   convey about the times in which we  self-examination  involved in writing
     writer, author, playwright and screen-  comedy.                            I didn’t want it to be an ‘and then I   live?                           a  memoir.  So  much  of  it  is  person-
     writer who was one of the original Sat-  What or who inspired you to       wrote this, and then I wrote that book.’   When you go on the journey of  al. You’ll see my wife is in there, my
     urday Night Live writers, a co-creator   write this book?                  The initial thrust that made me want to   this book, from 1972 to today, it is the  children are in there, Gilda, Garry and
                                                                                                                                                        my other collaborators – Martin Short,
     of  It’s Garry Shandling’s Show, and     This is a cultural memoir. It starts   write it were two things: the death of   story of all the different eras of come-
                                                                                Gilda  Radner  and  the  death  of  Garry   dy. From SNL to David Letterman and  Billy Crystal and Larry David – they
                                                                                Shandling. When Gilda died (she was   Curb Your Enthusiasm, it was a unique  are all in there. The book gave me the
                                                                                my buddy and writing partner at SNL),   way to look back at all these ways of  opportunity to find out what I consid-
                                                                                I dealt with her death in a book I wrote   looking at the world. It also makes us  ered important in my life. It’s a huge
                                                                                                                                                        therapy session as you sift through all
                                                                                called Buddy, Buddy, which became a   look at what comedy is right now, with
                                                                                play and now looks like it is going to   our politically  correct  culture, which  those memories. You get to the truth
                                                                                Broadway. There was a catharsis relat-  I think is very divisive. It is doing the  and then you write outward from there.
                                                                                ing to that experience.               exact opposite of what it is supposed to  Benjamin Sheehan / OMG WTF Does
                                                                                    Meanwhile, when Garry Shandling   be doing. When we were growing up,  the Constitution Actually Say?
                                                                                and  I  finished  our  show,  we  weren’t   everybody made fun of everybody else.  Ben  Sheehan  is  a  former  award-win-
                                                                                talking. It was the stress of being to-  We  knew how to  laugh  at  ourselves.  ning executive producer at “Funny Or
                                                                                gether  every  day  for four years, plus   Today, everybody is tip-toeing around  Die.”  Sheehan  founded  OMG  WTF
                                                                                the fact that we had, through our life             continued on next page (Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin,

                                                                                           NEW to Sarasota-Manatee or
                                                                                                 The Jewish Federation?

                               as long as you’re asking                                                        Join Us!

                                       A CONVERSATION WITH
                               jason alexander

                                   Thursday, February 4, 2021

                                        7:00pm EST   Via Zoom

                              AS LONG AS YOU’RE ASKING —
                              A CONVERSATION WITH JASON
       JASON ALEXANDER        ALEXANDER  is an evening of comedy,
       Actor, director, producer,   music, and conversation with the
       writer, social activist  award-winning  star  of  stage and  screen.
                              Alexander will present a variety of topics
                              culminating in behind the scenes stories of his                           NEWCOMERS EVENT
                              life, career, and social activism. Alexander has
                              starred  on  Broadway,  in  hit  films  like  Pretty              Monday, January 11, 2021 • 5pm
                              Woman and Shallow Hal and, of course the
                              hit series,  Seinfeld. He is an actor, director,                       Come join us and meet Federation
                              producer,  writer,  children’s  book  author,                     lay leaders and staff and most importantly,
                              award-winning  magician,  semi-pro  poker                                 neighbors down your street.
                              player and social/political activist.                               Breakout rooms organized by zip codes.

                                A minimum gift of $6,000 to the 2021 development efforts of                     Via ZOOM
                                  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee is required.
                                                                                                                      To register, visit
                                 Register at                                           

                                 For more information about the Major Gifts Event,       QUESTIONS?
                                 contact Gisele Pintchuck at      Contact Jeremy Lisitza
                                              or 941.706.0029
                                                                                or 941.343.2113
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