Page 17 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 17

FEDERATION NEWS                                                                            August 2021                                  17A

     Not your typical fire drill                                                Local leader re-nominated

     By Logan Marr, Communications & Marketing Coordinator                      to JFNA board
           arlier  this summer, Federation   was actually quite stress-inducing,
           staff and other Jewish commu-  especially  since  each  participant  was   Staff Report
 The Federation’s Board of Direc- Enity leaders were led through an   being  timed  on how long it  took  to   e offer a hearty yasher koach   role, I am excited to build on the strong
 tors strongly believes that this scholar- important fire and training exercise by   complete the exercise!   to Sarasota’s own Simone   history of the Network and strategical-
 ship program is of the utmost impor- Jeff Solomon, Jewish Community Se-        WKnego, who was recently              ly advance how we help small commu-
 tance  to  help  families  with  financial  curity Director. This exercise, howev-  re-nominated as a member of The Jew-  nities,” she says.
 assistance,  ensuring a strong Jewish  er, was not what you would typically    ish Federations of North                              Prior to  her  service
 foundation for their children.  think of when you hear the words “fire         America’s (JFNA) Board                            on JFNA’s Board of
 For more information or to apply  drill.”                                      of Trustees  representing                         Trustees,  she served  as
 for a Need-Based Religious School   During this interactive  training,         Intermediate Federations.                         co-chair of JFNA’s  Na-
 Scholarship,  please  visit participants  were tasked with a se-  Her nomination was con-                          tional Young Leadership
 religious-school or contact me at jlisit  ries  of steps  that  one  must  complete   firmed at JFNA’s Annual                    Cabinet.  Simone  also or 941.343.2113.  as quickly as possible when there is a        Meeting on June 7, 2021.                          served a six-year stint as
     Class A fire, which is defined as a fire                                       Simone is part of                             a board member  at our
     that uses commonly flammable materi-                                       a cohort of 15 trustees                           Federation.
     als, such as wood, fabric, paper, trash                                    representing  the 45 In-                              In her  spare  time,
     and plastics as its fuel source.  These                                    termediate  Federations                           Simone  is a lecturer
     fires are common and accidental, and      Jewish Community Security Director    in the JFNA system. The                      and writer. She recently
     they can be experienced in a variety of   Jeff Solomon demonstrates how to    Jewish Federation of        Simone Knego       wrote her first book, The
     settings.                                   properly use a fire extinguisher  Sarasota-Manatee is considered an   Extraordinary, Unordinary You, which
        The first step trainees had to take   Jeff  Solomon  stressed  the  impor-  Intermediate Federation.          was published last October.

 vices such as SUGAR Volunteers (visit  in this exercise was to identify the fire.   tance of fire preparedness drills such as   In addition, Simone was  selected   We join her husband Rob and six   From there, they had to pull a realistic   this, saying, “It’s critical, and especial-  as JFNA’s Chair, Network of Inde-  children in shouting “Mazel Tov, Sim-
 This is also your place to submit as  fire alarm, which set off a loud ringing   ly important for the Jewish community,   pendent Communities. “With this new   one” once again!
 many  pop-up  activities  as you  would  noise over a speaker. Immediately after   with upcoming holidays and traditions
 like to create, designed by YOU. We      that involve lighting a lot of candles,
 are  even  planning  two  college  week-  such as Chanukah for example.”
 end tours this school year. Make new         Jeff  also  noted  that  this  fire  pre-
 friends  and  reconnect  with  lifelong   paredness  system  is totally  portable
 friends through our inclusive program-   and will be made available to all of our
 ming and activities.                     community partners as requested. His
 STEP is heading in a new and ex-         goal is to schedule a few more of these
 citing direction with teens at the helm!   training systems so the Sarasota-Man-
 Come to us with your ideas because this   atee  community  can  remain  prepared
 is only the beginning. See you soon.     for a fire year-round.
 For more information about STEP,             We are grateful to have someone
 contact Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family     like Jeff, who is ensuring that our en-
 Programs Manager, at 941.343.2109 or   LIFE & LEGACY  Director & Development   tire Jewish community is prepared for
                   ®  Events Director Gisele Pintchuck    every possible type of threat  through
          simulates an emergency 911 call
         while preparing the fire extinguisher  these types of trainings.
     pulling the alarm, participants were re-  For more information  about the
     quired to dial 911 on a training phone   training  system,  please  contact  Jeff
     in  order to  give  the  address and  de-  Solomon  at or
     scribe the exact location of the fire to a   866.284.4933 x0.
     simulated  emergen-                                                            Since the very beginning, all you wanted for
     cy operator.  At the                                                           each other was a life filled with laughter and
     same time,  trainees                                                           love. Through the twists and turns, Tidewell
     had to grab a replica                                                          Hospice helps ensure that you have the
                                                                                    journey of a lifetime together. Because a life
     fire  extinguisher  off                                                        shared is a life fulfilled.
     the wall, break the
     zip tie, pull out the                                                                 Learn more at or call 855.843.3935
     safety  pin, and then
     use the extinguish-
     er  to  put  out  a  vir-
     tual,  on-screen  fire.                                                                                               SERVING THE JEWISH
     This situation, while       Teen & Family Programs Manager Jessi Sheslow          L’Dor                               COMMUNITY SINCE 1978
     seemingly simplistic,               extinguishes the virtual fire                                                     Charter Members of Temple Sinai
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