Page 12 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
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12                            May/June 2020                                                           COMMUNITY FOCUS

     NCJW 2020 scholarships                                                     Grandma and GrandPad

     awarded                                                                    By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain

                                                                                This program is sponsored by
     By Jill Simons, NCJW VP of Communications                                  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
            ational  Council  of  Jewish   for April 28, the Scholarship Commit-       Holocaust  survivor born in  a   Program, Eva  was recently  provided
            Women  (NCJW)  Sarasota-      tee met to review the candidates to          ghetto,  Eva Kushnitskay left   with a GrandPad.  This specially  de-
     NManatee’s Scholarship Program       be considered for scholarships. Five   A Russia 25 years ago with her       signed tablet digitally connects seniors
     annually recognizes and promotes edu-  candidates  were awarded a total of   two sons to come to America. Howev-  to family and friends.
     cation  for “non-traditional”  students.   $21,000 in grant awards for 2020.  er, to her great regret, her beloved and   Helping to alleviate  the isolation
     These  are  students,  male  or  female,   The recipients are:             only granddaughter, Martha, did not   and loneliness that often accompanies
     who have returned to school after a   ‹   Karen Arango, student at Universi-  accompany them. One of her sons had   aging, the GrandPad can be used to
     hiatus and need financial assistance to   ty of South Florida, St. Petersburg   gotten  divorced  and his former  wife   make phone calls, check email, have a
     reach their goals.                       ($4,000)                          refused  to  permit  their  eight-year-old   live video chat, play games, view and
        The support of all NCJW members   ‹    Aaron  Jones,  student  at  LECOM   child to emigrate.                 take  photos, watch videos and listen
     and attendees of the Women in Pow-       School   of   Dental  Medicine        Tragically, only a year later, Mar-  to music even when someone has had
     er Luncheon, proceeds of which help      ($4,000)                          tha’s mother passed away leaving her   little  experience  with  smartphones  or
     fund the scholarship program, is great-  ‹   Dianne  Pierce,  student  at  Capella   to be raised by extended family mem-  computers.
     ly appreciated. In addition, special rec-  University ($4,000)             bers.  Even  though  Eva  struggled  fi-  Eva is one of several local survi-
     ognition  is  extended  to  the  following   ‹   Kino Robinson, student at Ringling   nancially during her first years in the   vors who now have these easy to op-
     sponsors: Isabel Anchin Becker, Sandi    College of Art + Design ($4,000)  U.S., she managed to scrape together   erate tablets thanks to a federal grant
     Stuart,  Norma  Cohen,  Canandaigua   ‹   Heidi  Tinney, student  at  Keiser   savings that she regularly sent to her   made  to  The Jewish Federations  of
     Bank, Albert Samuel and Helen Schus-     University ($5,000)               granddaughter.                        North  America  to advance  survivor
     terman  Morrison,  Children  First,  Jo   All the candidates were thrilled to   Many  years  later,  Martha  is  mar-  wellness  opportunities.  (JFCS’s  Jew-
     and Stan Rutstein, Mote Marine and an   learn that they received a scholarship   ried with two children and living in   ish Healing Program is fully sponsored
     anonymous donor.                     and  felt  that  this  financial  assistance                                       by The Jewish Federation of
        Due to the cancellation of the 19    would make a difference in their lives.                                         Sarasota-Manatee.)
     annual Awards Presentation scheduled                                                                                        While very excited by all
                                                                                                                             that the GrandPad offers, Eva
         Tidewell Hospice                                                                                                    is most thankful for the chance

         is committed to meeting the spiritual  and physical                                                                 to now be in even greater touch
                                                                                                                             with  Martha. Anna  contacted
         needs of our patients and families.                                                                                 Martha to have her download
                          As a certified Jewish Hospice, Tidewell offers:                                                    the app required to make vid-
                           •  Mezuzah and Shabbat candles                                                                    eo calls with her grandmother
                                                                                                                             possible.  There  were  tears
                           •  Spiritual consultation with Rabbi on request                                                   of joy when Eva saw Martha
                           •  Bible and prayer book                                                                          and her family, including two
                                                                                                                             great  grandchildren,  via  the
                                                                                                                             device. “What an amazing ex-  •  941-552-7500  •  855-Tidewell
                                                                                                                             perience,” reported Anna, “to
                                                                                                                             watch everyone crying, laugh-
           “These we honor”                                                     Germany. For a long time, Eva would   tiful and touching.”
                                                                                       Eva Kushnitskay delights in her GrandPad
                                                                                                                             ing and joking. It was so beau-
                                                                                call her every day, spending a signifi-
                                                                                                                          Eva later  told  Anna that  Martha
                   Your Tributes                                                cant amount of money on international   and her family  are planning to come
                                                                                phone  charges  in  the  process. But  it
                                                                                                                      to the U.S. for the first time once the
                                                                                was worth it since, according to Eva,   coronavirus  threat  has passed. She
       ANNUAL CAMPAIGN                     BOB MALKIN YOUNG                     “My only joy in this life is to hear my   also  expressed  deep  gratitude  for  the

      IN HONOR OF                          AMBASSADORS FUND                     granddaughter’s voice.”               GrandPad and for all those who made
                                                                                                                      it possible for her to acquire it.
                                                                                    Working in conjunction with Gulf
      Richard Weissfeld                                                         Coast JFCS in Clearwater, Anna Eck-   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as a
      Barby Comins                        IN HONOR OF
                                          Genie Aberson                         stein,  coordinator  of  the  CHAI  Pro-  Community Chaplain and Director of
       NOTE: To be publicly acknowledged    Rebecca & Rich Bergman              gram, a special Holocaust survivor    JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His
     in The Jewish News, Honor Cards require   Ed Kalin                         wellness initiative being undertaken by   position is underwritten by The Jewish
     a minimum $10 contribution per listing.   Rebecca & Rich Bergman           JFCS of the Suncoast’s Jewish Healing   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
      You can send Honor Cards directly from For more information,
              call 941.552.6304.
                                         What                                           Make someone

                                          We Do.                                        feel special
                                                                                        on their birthday

                                                                                        by making a donation

                                                                                        in their name.

       The Jewish Federation offers programming for all ages!
       From PJ Library through teen leadership missions to women’s events,
       to senior services — your Federation provides support throughout
       Sarasota and Manatee.                                                             Call Bobbi at       Or visit

                                                                                         941.552.6304        to donate


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