Page 19 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
P. 19

JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                  May/June 2020                                          19

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            As of this issue’s print date, our area is under a stay-at-home order.
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            As of this issue
     Please check with each or                         ganiza       tion r     egar     ding in-p         erson or vir          tual e     v e  n t s.
     Please check with each organization regarding in-person or virtual events.
                  TUESDAY, JUNE 9
                  TUESD       A Y ,   JUNE   9                                               MOND       A Y ,   JUNE    1 5
                                                                                             MONDAY, JUNE 15
                                Just Reel Films                                               “Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust”
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                      Abba Kovner lived in Vilna, which was overrun by the Nazis in June 1941.
        Join us for a screening of I Have Never Forgotten You: The Life & Legacy    In the Vilna Ghetto, he released a manifesto entitled “Let us not go like
        of Simon Wiesenthal (Runtime: 105 minutes) at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom. The       lambs to the slaughter!,” the first warning of the Nazi plan of mass ex-
        documentary  explores  the  Austrian-Jewish  architectural  engineer  who   termination of Jews. Kovner escaped from the Ghetto to the forest, com-
        became a Nazi hunter after surviving the Holocaust. To register for this film   manding the “Avengers,” a Jewish partisan group that engaged in guerrilla
        sponsored by Ian Black Real Estate, please visit This   attacks and sabotage against the Germans until the Soviets arrived in July
        event is free, but we would appreciate your consideration of a donation     1944. Join us for this discussion at 11:00 a.m. at the Al Katz Center, 5710
        to  The  Jewish  Federation’s  STRONGER  TOGETHER:  Coronavirus             Cortez Road West, Bradenton. Cost: $10. Distance learning arrangements
        Relief Fund to help people who are impacted by this crisis. To make a       available. To RSVP or for more information, call Dr. Beverly Newman at
        contribution, please visit                              941.313.9239.

             Mitzvah Knitting Group at Temple Emanu-El
                                                                                              SUNDAY, JUNE 21
        Are you a knitter or crocheter interested in using your talent to brighten            SUND     A  Y ,   JUNE   2 1
        the lives of others while making new friends? If so, please come to the
        Mitzvah Knitting Group sponsored by Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood. We                    “American Presidents and the Jews”
        gather monthly to craft and socialize, and our beautiful handiwork has
        been donated to local new parents as well as needy families in Sarasota-    Which  American  presidents  have  been  friends  of the  Jews? George
        Manatee and in Israel. Bring your needles or crochet hook and a favorite    Washington championed religious freedoms. Abraham Lincoln reversed
        pattern – we’ll supply the yarn and great company! This free event be-      General Grant’s expulsion of Jews during the Civil War and instituted the
        gins at 10:00 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Road, Sarasota.         first Jewish army chaplains. Harry Truman recognized the State of Israel
        For more information, email Susan Bernstein,       within  minutes  of  its  declaration  in  1948.  Richard  Nixon  saved  Israel
        In the interest of safety and public health, this event may be postponed or   during the 1973 Yom Kippur War with a massive airlift of desperately
        held in an interactive online format. Please email   needed armaments. Today, the U.S. embassy is in Jerusalem decades after
        or call 941.371.2788 for updates.                                           it was authorized by Congress. Join us for this discussion at 2:00 p.m. at the
                                                                                    Al Katz Center, 5710 Cortez Road West, Bradenton. Cost: $10. Distance
                                                                                    learning arrangements available. To RSVP or for more information, call
              WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10
              WEDNESD           A Y ,   JUNE   1 0                                  Dr. Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.


               “Victory Day: Six-Day War Retrospective”                                    THURSDAY, JUNE 25
        Surrounded in June 1967 by powerful Arab neighbors threatening to drive
        the Jews into the sea, Israel designated public parks as emergency morgues.              “This Month in Jewish History”
        Instead, a modern-day miracle occurred as Israel destroyed the air forces
        of Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the first hours of the war, drove its tanks to   Significant Jewish events in June include: Jewish insurgent forces captured
        the Suez Canal, captured the Golan Heights, and liberated Arab-controlled   the fortress of Antonia in Jerusalem in 65 CE, marking the outbreak of
        eastern Jerusalem, including the Biblical Old City, on its way to the Jordan   the Jewish revolt against Rome; 1,902 years after the revolt against Rome
        River. Join us for this discussion at 1:00 p.m. at the Al Katz Center, 5710   began, Jews finally regained control of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War in
        Cortez Road West, Bradenton. Cost: $10. Distance learning arrangements      1967; the Jewish Brigade was formed in Palestine in 1942; the first public
        available. To RSVP or for more information, call Dr. Beverly Newman at      warning of rising anti-Semitism in the U.S. was given in a sermon by Rev.
        941.313.9239.                                                               Henry Ward Beecher, father of Harriet Stowe, in 1873. Join us for this
                                                                                    discussion at 11:00 a.m. at the Al Katz Center, 5710 Cortez Road West,
                                                                                    Bradenton. Cost: $10. Distance learning arrangements available. To RSVP
                THURSD        A Y ,   JUNE    1 1                                   or for more information, call Dr. Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.
                THURSDAY, JUNE 11
                                                                                                    “Caring for the Caregiver”
              “Reaching Out when the Doors are Closed”                              Many of us will have to provide care for an elderly parent, spouse or loved
        We live in a world that is restricted and separated through state-mandated   one. The status of being a caregiver can be isolating and may be difficult
        “stay at home” protocols, quarantines and other barriers that prevent us    to function in a vacuum. As part of the Temple Beth Sholom “Staying
        from coming together socially, spiritually and even through commerce.       Connected”  lecture  series,  we  will  answer  the  questions:  How  can  we
        The fear surrounding this pandemic  has created  isolation  for so many     support someone who is providing the care, and how as a caregiver, do
        of us. As part of the Temple Beth Sholom “Staying Connected” lecture        you take care of yourself?  This free event with Rabbi Miriam  Weisel
        series, we will explore the question: In this world of separation, how can   begins at 7:30 p.m. virtually on Zoom or possibly in person, depending
        we as a community, reach out and support one another? This free event       on the health situation. Please check
        with Rabbi Anat Moskowitz begins at 7:30 p.m. virtually on Zoom or          or the Temple Beth Sholom Facebook page for further details. For more
        possibly in person, depending on the health situation. Please check www.    information, please contact Rabbi Michael Werbow at 941.955.8121 or or the Temple Beth Sholom Facebook page
        for further details. For more information, contact Rabbi Michael Werbow
        at 941.955.8121 or
                                                                                  discover...                           A           new way

                SA  TURD      A Y ,   JUNE   1 3
                SATURDAY, JUNE 13
                                                                                                                               to care for

                   Temple Emanu-El “Splash Shabbat”                                                                            your skin
        Temple Emanu-El takes “Splash Shabbat” on the road! Our annual fun
        morning of water play for young Jewish and interfaith families will be
        held at 10:30 a.m. at the Payne Park Splash Pad, 2050 Adams Lane, Sara-
        sota. Enjoy the playground, and then a bagel breakfast and age-appropriate
        Shabbat prayers, songs and movement with Rabbi Michael Shefrin. An
        “oneg” of popsicles concludes the morning. “Splash Shabbat” is designed
        for families with children up to age 6, but all are welcome! Free, but ad-
        vance reservations requested. In the interest of safety and public health,      Comprehensive Dermatology  •  Skin Cancer Detection
        this event may be postponed. For updates, please contact Rabbi Elaine         •  Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery  •  Cosmetic and Laser Services
        Rose Glickman at 941.379.1997 or                                  •  Medical Spa Treatments

                  SUNDAY, JUNE 14

            Temple Emanu-El Presents Reinventing Rosalee
        Temple Emanu-El’s popular “Sunday at the Movies” series proudly screens
        Reinventing Rosalee – the incredible, inspiring documentary chronicling
        the life of Rosalee Glass. A Holocaust survivor taken prisoner in a Soviet                             8451 Shade Avenue, Suite 205
        gulag during World War II, she transformed her later years – becoming an   David S. Sax, MD            Sarasota, FL 34243
        actress at age 80, winning a beauty pageant in her 90s, and riding Alaskan
        sled dogs at the age of 100. A discussion will follow this fascinating film.   Board Certified Dermatologist
        The screening begins at 2:00 p.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh         Carlee LaPensee, ARNP
        Road, Sarasota. Cost: $5. In the interest of safety and public health, this   Jesse LeBaron, PA-C
        event may be held in an interactive online format. Please email info@ or call 941.371.2788 for updates.                                       941. 417.4104

                      Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates. 
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