Page 5 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                    May/June 2020                                           5

                                          Inna Sideman retires as CFO

 This series highlights mission-based programs and projects that are supported by   By Gayle Guynup
 The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for these initiatives is de-  nna Sideman, Chief Financial Of-  first in the family to make it to the U.S.   a new CFO. “Because of my family’s
 rived from the Annual Campaign. The series helps to explain where your generous   ficer  of  The  Jewish Federation   When her father saw a way out of Rus-  experience of fleeing the Soviet Union,
 dollars are spent and features certain initiatives that enrich the lives of Jews living   Established 1971  Iof Sarasota-Manatee, will be re-  sia in 1959, her parents, her sister and   where they could not practice Judaism,
 in Sarasota-Manatee, local projects with area partners, and overseas programs that   PUBLISHER  tiring from the position on Thursday,   Inna left for Poland and then Israel,   I felt a strong affinity with the Federa-
 support the social and humanitarian needs of Jews in Israel and around the world.  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  April 30, after a 17-year career with   where they lived for two years.  tion’s mission of creating a community
 Your generous support is found in our tenet of tikkun olam – repairing the   The Larry & Mary Greenspon    the Federation.  “When we came  to the United   where Jews are free and empowered.
 world!   Family Campus for Jewish Life       “I have had the pleasure of work-  States,  we  landed  in  New York  City,   Its  support  of  Israel  was also  very
           Klingenstein Jewish Center
              580 McIntosh Road           ing with the most philanthropic people   and I went to high school in Washing-  important  to me,” she said. “I loved
            Sarasota, FL 34232-1959       in  our community,”  said  Inna. “Their   ton Heights and then to Hunter College   my job, which is why I stayed for 17
              Phone: 941.371.4546         commitment  to Israel and the Jewish   in the city,” Inna said. “When I married   years.”
               Fax: 941.378.2947          community is so inspiring. I was fortu-  and  started  a  family  in  Connecticut,   Tevlowitz  says that  “Inna’s story
         E-mail:   nate to work with people at the Federa-  I decided to go to school and get my   is the Jewish story of the 20  century
           Website:       tion for whom it is more than a                                                   – of leaving a place where the
             Published Monthly            job. It is a passion for what the                                                 bedrock  was anti-Semitic,  and
            Volume 50, Number 5           Federation does and all that it                                                   adapting  along the way. Her
               May/June 2020              has accomplished,” she said. “I                                                   family’s journey to Poland, then
                  40 pages                also  have  had  the  privilege  of                                               Israel, then America, and mak-
             USPS Permit No. 167          working with Howard Tevlow-                                                       ing a life for herself here – that
                                          itz, our CEO, whose vision set                                                    is the story of the Jewish com-
          July 2020 Issue Deadlines:      a direction for the Federation.                                                   munity, and Inna’s story epito-
             Editorial: May 27, 2020
            Advertising: June 1, 2020     Howard has inspired us to rec-                                                    mizes that.”
                                          ognize how important our work                                                         Her  role  as  CFO  included
            CHANGE OF ADDRESS:            is,” Inna added.                                                                  everything  except  fundraising,
           Change of address inquiries        Tevlowitz describes Inna                                                      development and programming.
           can be sent to Bobbi Barger    as “a lifesaver.” “She is in-                                                     Her responsibilities  included
             at       novative,  creative  and every-                                                   overseeing the Federation’s
             or call 941.371.4546 x0      body implicitly  trusts her,” he                                                  budget and finances, human re-
      PRESIDENT                           said. “Inna is a star.” Tevlowitz                                                 sources, information technology
      Randon Carvel                       added  that  when  she came  on                                                   and campus operations.
                                          board 17 years ago, the Federa-                                                       “People always told me that
      Howard Tevlowitz                    tion was “technologically in the        Inna Sideman with speaker Alina Spaulding    I would know when I was ready
                                          dark ages, and she has brought       at the 2020 Lion of Judah & Pomegranate Luncheon  for retirement, and I feel ready,”
      SENIOR DIRECTOR OF                  us into the 21  century, both with our   MBA and CPA. My mother was a CPA   Inna said. “I am excited to spend more
      COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING          technology and our finances.” He add-  in Russia and always encouraged me to   time  with my husband, family  and
      Marty Katz                          ed, “She is as honest as they come, and   go into accounting,” she said. Her ca-  friends, my four grandsons, as well
                                          on top of everything else, Inna is a tru-  reer  included  public  accounting,  then   as to continue traveling and do more
      MANAGING EDITOR                     ly nice person.”                      work for a school district, county gov-  dancing,” she said.
      Ted Epstein
                                              Inna was born in Moscow, Russia,   ernment and a major real estate devel-   “I definitely plan to stay involved
      ADVERTISING SALES                   during  the  Soviet  Union era. Her fa-  oper before entering the field of Jewish   with the Federation,”  Inna added. “I
      Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307          ther had a dream to come to the United   philanthropy.                      hope to attend many Federation events
                                          States to escape communism and anti-      Inna was working as Chief Finan-  and I look forward to supporting  the
      PROOFREADERS                        Semitism. According to Inna, her fa-  cial Officer for another nonprofit when   Federation in any capacity I can.” (And
      Edward D. Cohen, Rhonda Kaplan,     ther’s three oldest brothers (her father   she heard that The Jewish Federation   the Federation looks forward to seeing
      Marianne Mandell, Elliot Ofsowitz,   was  the  youngest  of  nine),  were  the   of Sarasota-Manatee  was looking for   her smiling face at its many events!)
      Jeff Sherman, Jill Simons, Linda Stern,
      Bryna Tevlowitz

      MISSION STATEMENT: The Jewish News of
      Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of
      news and features of special interest to the
      Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to
      provide a forum for the exchange of ideas
      and opinions in the Jewish community, and
      to communicate the mission, activities and
      achievements of the Federation and its Jew-
      ish community partners.
      OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of
      Sarasota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect
      those of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
      Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.
      SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub-
      ject to editing for space and content, and
      may be withheld from publication without
      prior notice. Approval of submissions for
      publication in either verbal or written form
      shall always be considered tentative, and
      does not imply a guarantee of any kind.
      Submissions must be sent electronically to    Make life awesome.
      LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300
      words, must be typed, and include the writer’s
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      Letters can be submitted via USPS or email
      ( Not all letters will   tap into yourself, your people,
      be published. Letters may be edited for length
      and content.                                  and your homeland.
      ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right
      to refuse any advertisement and may require   #ChooseAwesome
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