Page 2 - Liberal Studies Brochure
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                                                             yOur eduCatiOn

                                                            Liberal Studies Provides the

                                                            Understanding and Skills Expected
                                                            of Well-Educated Professionals.

                                                            Kettering is best known for providing students with
                                                            outstanding professional preparation and a deep
                                                            understanding of specialized fields.  This outstanding
                                                            education would not be complete without exploration
                                                            in Liberal Studies.  A broad exposure to liberal studies
                                                           encourages personal development, inquiry into socially
                                                           responsible citizenship and an appreciation for how
                                                           one’s professional expertise serves the larger world.
                                                           Kettering’s Liberal Studies courses emphasize critical
                                                           thinking, effective communication and the examination
                                                           of ethical issues.  They help students to sharpen their
                                                           abilities to reason well and to act effectively and
                                                           responsibly.  Our program is structured to complement
                                                          a student’s major with courses in humanities, social
             MOTiVaTOr                                    throughout their years here.
                                                          sciences, communication, economics and leadership

                                                          These courses encourage students to think critically and
                                                          independently, develop persuasive arguments, use social
                                                          scientific methods to identify organizational problems and
                                                          solutions, inquire into literature, philosophy and art for
                                                          lessons in character and social responsibility and more.
                                                         For more information, please contact the Department of
                                                         Liberal Studies at 800-955-4464 ext. 7827 or visit

         Course Requirements                   of college.  These courses focus         Finally, students participate
                                               on communication, economics,          in “Senior Seminar:  Leadership,
         Career and life are not separate      humanities and social sciences.       Ethics and Contemporary Issues.”
         experiences.  Kettering demonstrates     The remaining four courses         This demanding course requires
         this throughout its curriculum.  We do   are taken in the junior and        the skills developed through the
         not sideline the non-technical courses   senior years.  An upper division   rigorous reading, discussion and
         by encouraging students to “get them   communication course develops        writing assignments of prior courses.
         out of the way” early.  Liberal Studies   advanced professional and technical   Students explore and debate current
         courses are integrated into Kettering’s   communication skills.  Students then   ethical issues in corporate and civic
         unique professional program.          choose an upper division humanities   leadership as well as the social
            Students must take eight liberal   elective and an upper division social   contexts of leadership and ethical
         studies courses (32 credits).  Four   science elective from a variety of    dilemmas, drawing on their own
         are broad, introductory courses       choices offered by faculty members    experiential learning as well as vital
         and are taken in the first two years   who are experts in their fields.     contemporary case studies.
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