Page 2 - Mechanical Engineering Brochure
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                                                             engineerS RULe

                                                            The Mechanical Engineering Major
                                                            at Kettering: Customize your Degree

                                                            The ME program at Kettering allows you to customize
                                                            your degree by earning a specialty concentration or by
                                                            earning a minor. Available specialty programs include:

                                                            Automotive Engineering Design Rev up your future
                                                           career as an automotive engineer by taking courses on
                                                           automotive power trains, body and chassis systems
                                                           and crash safety.
                                                           Bioengineering Applications Prepare for a career
                                                           in medical products design by combining traditional
                                                           mechanical engineering skills with an understanding
                                                           of human anatomy and physiology.
                                                           Machine Design & Advanced Materials Prepare
                                                          for the design and manufacturing jobs of the future
                                                          by honing your skills in computer aided design and
                                                          understanding how material (both metals and plastics)
        power ProfesSionAl                                behavior can influence product design.

                                                          Alternative Energy Help meet the world’s future energy
                                                          needs by preparing for a career in sustainable energy
                                                          technologies such as wind power, solar power, hydrogen
                                                          fuel cells and alternative fuels.
                                                         There are 37 minor programs available to ME students
                                                         including Business, Entrepreneurship & Innovation,
                                                         Pre-Med (Biochemistry) and Pre-Law.

         A World of                             MEs are at the forefront of           funded by federal and industrial
         Opportunities                          nano-fabrication and bioengineering.   research grants.
                                                They’re inventing inexpensive potable
         There’s a reason why mechanical        water systems for developing nations.   ME job titles are as wide-ranging
                                                                                      as the opportunities: Aerospace
         engineers have so many job             And they’re helping the world go      Engineer, Biomedical Engineer,
         opportunities: MEs design anything     green with eco-friendly products that   Product Design Engineer, Systems
         that moves. It’s MEs who designed      use fuel cells or solar power.        Design Engineer, Automotive
         the Corvette’s engine, built the Space   Amazing research learning           Engineer, Quality Engineer, Test
         Shuttle’s robotic arm and shaped the   experiences are open to Kettering     Engineer and Entrepreneur,
         hull of the Queen Mary 2.  And the     MEs, too. Students also have the      just to name a few. The 21st
         21st Century is opening up all kinds   opportunity to work on campus         Century is opening up all kinds
         of new opportunities for               and with faculty, engaged in the      of new opportunities for
         innovative engineers.                  development of new technology         innovative engineers.
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