Page 30 - 2018 SLU Enrollment
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HIPAA Special X If you have a new dependent as a result of marriage, birth, adoption, or
Enrollment Rights placement for adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself and your new
dependents. However, you must request enrollment within 31 days after the
The following special enrollment marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption.
provisions apply under the beneit plans X If you or your dependents (including your spouse) become eligible for a state
of the Saint Louis University Welfare premium assistance subsidy from Medicaid or through a state children’s health
Beneit Plan (the “Plan”).
insurance program with respect to coverage under the Plan, you may be able
X If you decline enrollment for to enroll yourself and your dependents in the Plan. However, you must request
yourself or for an eligible dependent enrollment within 60 days after your or your dependents’ determination of
(including your spouse) while other eligibility for such assistance. To request special enrollment or obtain more
health insurance or group health information about the special enrollment provisions of the Plan, contact Beneits
plan coverage is in effect, you may at 314.977.2595.
be able to enroll yourself and your
dependents in the Plan if you or Wellness Program Notice
your dependents lose eligibility
for that other coverage (or if the The Saint Louis University wellness program is a voluntary wellness program provided
employer stops contributing toward by Vitality and is available to all employees and spouses. The program is administered
your or your dependents’ other according to federal rules permitting employer-sponsored wellness programs that
coverage). However, you must seek to improve employee health or prevent disease, including the Americans with
request enrollment within 31 days Disabilities Act of 1990, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and
after your or your dependents’ the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as applicable, among others.
other coverage ends (or after the If you choose to participate in the wellness program you will be asked to complete a
employer stops contributing toward voluntary health risk assessment or “HRA” (Vitality Health Review) that asks a series
the other coverage). of questions about your health-related activities and behaviors and whether you have
or had certain medical conditions (e.g., cancer, diabetes, or heart disease). You will
X If you decline enrollment for also be asked to complete a biometric screening (Vitality Check), which will include
yourself or for an eligible dependent a blood test. You are not required to complete the HRA or to participate in the blood
(including your spouse) while test or other medical examinations.
Medicaid coverage or coverage
under a state children’s health Employees enrolled in the medical plan who choose to participate in the wellness
insurance program is in effect, you program will receive a premium discount. Although you are not required to complete
may be able to enroll yourself and the HRA or participate in the biometric screening, only employees who do so will
your dependents in the Plan if you receive the incentive.
or your dependents lose eligibility
for that other coverage. However, If you are unable to participate in any of the health-related activities or achieve
you must request enrollment any of the health outcomes required to earn an incentive, you may be entitled to a
within 60 days after your or your reasonable accommodation or an alternative standard. You may request a reasonable
dependents’ coverage ends under accommodation or an alternative standard by contacting Vitality Customer Care at
Medicaid or a state children’s health 877.224.7117 or
insurance program. The information from your HRA and the results from your biometric screening will
be used to provide you with information to help you understand your current health
and potential risks, and may also be used to offer you services through the wellness
program. You also are encouraged to share your results or concerns with your own
30 2018 Benefits Enrollment
Enrollment Rights placement for adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself and your new
dependents. However, you must request enrollment within 31 days after the
The following special enrollment marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption.
provisions apply under the beneit plans X If you or your dependents (including your spouse) become eligible for a state
of the Saint Louis University Welfare premium assistance subsidy from Medicaid or through a state children’s health
Beneit Plan (the “Plan”).
insurance program with respect to coverage under the Plan, you may be able
X If you decline enrollment for to enroll yourself and your dependents in the Plan. However, you must request
yourself or for an eligible dependent enrollment within 60 days after your or your dependents’ determination of
(including your spouse) while other eligibility for such assistance. To request special enrollment or obtain more
health insurance or group health information about the special enrollment provisions of the Plan, contact Beneits
plan coverage is in effect, you may at 314.977.2595.
be able to enroll yourself and your
dependents in the Plan if you or Wellness Program Notice
your dependents lose eligibility
for that other coverage (or if the The Saint Louis University wellness program is a voluntary wellness program provided
employer stops contributing toward by Vitality and is available to all employees and spouses. The program is administered
your or your dependents’ other according to federal rules permitting employer-sponsored wellness programs that
coverage). However, you must seek to improve employee health or prevent disease, including the Americans with
request enrollment within 31 days Disabilities Act of 1990, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and
after your or your dependents’ the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as applicable, among others.
other coverage ends (or after the If you choose to participate in the wellness program you will be asked to complete a
employer stops contributing toward voluntary health risk assessment or “HRA” (Vitality Health Review) that asks a series
the other coverage). of questions about your health-related activities and behaviors and whether you have
or had certain medical conditions (e.g., cancer, diabetes, or heart disease). You will
X If you decline enrollment for also be asked to complete a biometric screening (Vitality Check), which will include
yourself or for an eligible dependent a blood test. You are not required to complete the HRA or to participate in the blood
(including your spouse) while test or other medical examinations.
Medicaid coverage or coverage
under a state children’s health Employees enrolled in the medical plan who choose to participate in the wellness
insurance program is in effect, you program will receive a premium discount. Although you are not required to complete
may be able to enroll yourself and the HRA or participate in the biometric screening, only employees who do so will
your dependents in the Plan if you receive the incentive.
or your dependents lose eligibility
for that other coverage. However, If you are unable to participate in any of the health-related activities or achieve
you must request enrollment any of the health outcomes required to earn an incentive, you may be entitled to a
within 60 days after your or your reasonable accommodation or an alternative standard. You may request a reasonable
dependents’ coverage ends under accommodation or an alternative standard by contacting Vitality Customer Care at
Medicaid or a state children’s health 877.224.7117 or
insurance program. The information from your HRA and the results from your biometric screening will
be used to provide you with information to help you understand your current health
and potential risks, and may also be used to offer you services through the wellness
program. You also are encouraged to share your results or concerns with your own
30 2018 Benefits Enrollment