Page 22 - 2016 WFF Guide 1
P. 22
If you’re an employee, you’ll become a qualiied Your covered eligible children will become qualiied beneiciaries if they
beneiciary if you lose your coverage under the lose cov erage und er the P lan because of the follow ing q ualifying ev ents:
P lan because of the follow ing q ualifying ev ents: The parent- employee d ies;
Y our hours of employment are red uced ; or The parent- employee’ s hours of employment are red uced ;
Y our employment end s for any reason The parent- employee’ s employment end s for any reason other than his or
other than your gross miscond uct her gross miscond uct;
I f you’ re the spouse of an employee, you’ ll The parent-employee becomes entitled to Medicare beneits (Part A, Part
become a qualiied beneiciary if you lose B , or both) ;
your cov erage und er the P lan because of the The parents become d iv orced or legally separated ; or
follow ing q ualifying ev ents: The child stops being eligible for cov erage und er the P lan as an eligible
Y our spouse d ies; child
Y our spouse’ s hours of employment are The plan will offer COBRA continuation coverage to qualiied beneiciaries only
red uced ; after the Plan Administrator or its designee has been timely notiied that a
Y our spouse’ s employment end s for q ualifying ev ent has occurred . W hen the q ualifying ev ent is:
any reason other than his or her gross The end of employment or red uction of hours of employment;
miscond uct;
Y our spouse becomes entitled to M ed icare D eath of the employee;
beneits (under Part A, Part B, or both); or E nrollment of the employee in any part of M ed icare, the employer ( if the
Y ou become d iv orced from your spouse. employer is not the P lan A d ministrator) must notify the P lan A d ministrator
of the q ualifying ev ent w ithin 3 0 d ays follow ing the d ate cov erage end s
N ote that if your spouse cancels your
cov erage in anticipation of a d iv orce and
a d iv orce later occurs, then the d iv orce
w ill be consid ered a q ualifying ev ent ev en
though you actually lost cov erage earlier.
I f you notify the P lan A d ministrator or its
d esignee w ithin 6 0 d ays after the d iv orce
and can establish that the employee
canceled the cov erage earlier in anticipation
of the d iv orce, then C O B R A cov erage
may be av ailable for a period after the
d iv orce ( but not for the period betw een
the d ate your cov erage end ed , and the
d ate of d iv orce) . B ut you must prov id e
timely notice of the d iv orce to the P lan
A d ministrator or its d esignee or you w ill
not be able to obtain C O B R A cov erage
after the d iv orce. S ee the rules in the box
below , und er the head ing entitled , “ N otice
R eq uirements, ” regard ing the obligation
to prov id e notice, and the proced ures for
d oing so.
If you’re an employee, you’ll become a qualiied Your covered eligible children will become qualiied beneiciaries if they
beneiciary if you lose your coverage under the lose cov erage und er the P lan because of the follow ing q ualifying ev ents:
P lan because of the follow ing q ualifying ev ents: The parent- employee d ies;
Y our hours of employment are red uced ; or The parent- employee’ s hours of employment are red uced ;
Y our employment end s for any reason The parent- employee’ s employment end s for any reason other than his or
other than your gross miscond uct her gross miscond uct;
I f you’ re the spouse of an employee, you’ ll The parent-employee becomes entitled to Medicare beneits (Part A, Part
become a qualiied beneiciary if you lose B , or both) ;
your cov erage und er the P lan because of the The parents become d iv orced or legally separated ; or
follow ing q ualifying ev ents: The child stops being eligible for cov erage und er the P lan as an eligible
Y our spouse d ies; child
Y our spouse’ s hours of employment are The plan will offer COBRA continuation coverage to qualiied beneiciaries only
red uced ; after the Plan Administrator or its designee has been timely notiied that a
Y our spouse’ s employment end s for q ualifying ev ent has occurred . W hen the q ualifying ev ent is:
any reason other than his or her gross The end of employment or red uction of hours of employment;
miscond uct;
Y our spouse becomes entitled to M ed icare D eath of the employee;
beneits (under Part A, Part B, or both); or E nrollment of the employee in any part of M ed icare, the employer ( if the
Y ou become d iv orced from your spouse. employer is not the P lan A d ministrator) must notify the P lan A d ministrator
of the q ualifying ev ent w ithin 3 0 d ays follow ing the d ate cov erage end s
N ote that if your spouse cancels your
cov erage in anticipation of a d iv orce and
a d iv orce later occurs, then the d iv orce
w ill be consid ered a q ualifying ev ent ev en
though you actually lost cov erage earlier.
I f you notify the P lan A d ministrator or its
d esignee w ithin 6 0 d ays after the d iv orce
and can establish that the employee
canceled the cov erage earlier in anticipation
of the d iv orce, then C O B R A cov erage
may be av ailable for a period after the
d iv orce ( but not for the period betw een
the d ate your cov erage end ed , and the
d ate of d iv orce) . B ut you must prov id e
timely notice of the d iv orce to the P lan
A d ministrator or its d esignee or you w ill
not be able to obtain C O B R A cov erage
after the d iv orce. S ee the rules in the box
below , und er the head ing entitled , “ N otice
R eq uirements, ” regard ing the obligation
to prov id e notice, and the proced ures for
d oing so.