Page 2 - 2018 Sulzer (Chemtech Mixpac) Benefit Guide
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Your 2018 Table of Contents

Benefits Your 2018 Beneits Guide .......................2

Guide Medical ....................................4
Prescription Drugs ............................7

Medical and Rx Resources .......................8
New Hire Enrollment
Welcome to our team! As an Blue Care Connection ..........................9
employee, you play a tremendous Health Savings Account (HSA) ...................10
part in our company’s success. This
is why a core tenet of our business Telehealth—Powered by MDLive ..................11
strategy is to ensure you are offered
an attractive and competitive beneits Additional Beneits ...........................12
package. This beneits guide provides Wellness ..................................12
detailed information about all of the
health and welfare beneits offered Dental ....................................13
to you. As a new employee, you
are eligible for coverage on the irst Vision ....................................14
day of the month following 30 days Life and Disability ............................15
of employment. You must enroll in
beneits during your irst 30 days of 401(k) ....................................17
employment. If you do not enroll in
beneits during your new hire period, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ...............19
you will not be eligible to enroll in Business Travel Accident Insurance ...............20
beneits until open enrollment or
unless you experience a qualifying Cost of Coverage ............................21
life event. The only beneit changes
you may make throughout the year Contact Information ..........................23
without experiencing a life event
are your HSA contributions, 401(k)
contributions, and termination of
voluntary life or voluntary AD&D

2 2018 Benefits Enrollment
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