Page 4 - Enrollment Guide
P. 4
Newborns When Coverage Begins
If you have a baby, you must If enrolling during open enrollment, your new coverage will take effect on
take action to enroll him or her January 1, 2016. If enrolling during your initial eligibility period, beneits
within 31 days, or coverage for will become effective on the irst of the month following your date of
your newborn will terminate at hire. If evidence of insurability (EOI) is required, beneits will become
the end of the 31-day period. effective once applications are approved. You do not need to enroll in
You will not be able to enroll the company paid basic life and AD&D. You do need to enroll in the 50
your baby until the next annual Percent Company Paid STD and LTD if you wish to participate. You will be
enrollment period, and you will covered under these plans once you have satisied the waiting periods and
be responsible for any of your EOI requirements. If you enroll during your initial eligibility period, beneits
newborn’s claims incurred after will become effective as noted.
the irst 31 days.
First of the Month Following Date of Hire
Important Tip Medical Insurance Company-Paid Employee
To maintain favorable tax Dental and Vision Insurance Assistance Program (EAP)
treatment, IRS regulations Company-Paid Term Life/ Healthcare and Dependent Care
require notiication of a AD&D Insurance FSA
qualiied status change within Voluntary Term Life/AD&D Health Savings Account (HSA)
31 days. It is your responsibility Insurance
to notify Human Resources
of the change. If you fail to Changing Your Benefit Selections Mid-Year
do this, you may jeopardize Once you enroll, your beneit elections will remain in effect for the entire plan
your coverage. For questions year (January 1 through December 31) unless you experience one of the following
regarding qualiied status qualiied status changes.
changes, contact the Human Marriage or divorce Loss or gain of coverage due
Resources Department. to a change in your spouse’s
Birth, adoption, or placement for employment status, or open
adoption of a child enrollment with their employer
Newborns are not automatically Change of employment status from
added to your medical coverage eligible to ineligible status, full-time
under EnTrans’s beneit plan; to part-time, or vice versa
you must add the newborn in
PlanSource within 31 days of A dependent’s loss of eligibility
the birth because he/she has reached age 26
Death of a spouse and/or Any other change that is permissible
dependent under IRS regulations and rulings as
determined by EnTrans
Newborns When Coverage Begins
If you have a baby, you must If enrolling during open enrollment, your new coverage will take effect on
take action to enroll him or her January 1, 2016. If enrolling during your initial eligibility period, beneits
within 31 days, or coverage for will become effective on the irst of the month following your date of
your newborn will terminate at hire. If evidence of insurability (EOI) is required, beneits will become
the end of the 31-day period. effective once applications are approved. You do not need to enroll in
You will not be able to enroll the company paid basic life and AD&D. You do need to enroll in the 50
your baby until the next annual Percent Company Paid STD and LTD if you wish to participate. You will be
enrollment period, and you will covered under these plans once you have satisied the waiting periods and
be responsible for any of your EOI requirements. If you enroll during your initial eligibility period, beneits
newborn’s claims incurred after will become effective as noted.
the irst 31 days.
First of the Month Following Date of Hire
Important Tip Medical Insurance Company-Paid Employee
To maintain favorable tax Dental and Vision Insurance Assistance Program (EAP)
treatment, IRS regulations Company-Paid Term Life/ Healthcare and Dependent Care
require notiication of a AD&D Insurance FSA
qualiied status change within Voluntary Term Life/AD&D Health Savings Account (HSA)
31 days. It is your responsibility Insurance
to notify Human Resources
of the change. If you fail to Changing Your Benefit Selections Mid-Year
do this, you may jeopardize Once you enroll, your beneit elections will remain in effect for the entire plan
your coverage. For questions year (January 1 through December 31) unless you experience one of the following
regarding qualiied status qualiied status changes.
changes, contact the Human Marriage or divorce Loss or gain of coverage due
Resources Department. to a change in your spouse’s
Birth, adoption, or placement for employment status, or open
adoption of a child enrollment with their employer
Newborns are not automatically Change of employment status from
added to your medical coverage eligible to ineligible status, full-time
under EnTrans’s beneit plan; to part-time, or vice versa
you must add the newborn in
PlanSource within 31 days of A dependent’s loss of eligibility
the birth because he/she has reached age 26
Death of a spouse and/or Any other change that is permissible
dependent under IRS regulations and rulings as
determined by EnTrans