Page 6 - Guide
P. 6
Qualifying Events Online Enrollment Process
Open enrollment is your annual This year all employees have access to enroll or change their current
opportunity to change your beneits. elections online through the MG+BW Lockton Marketplace online
You cannot make changes to your
medical, dental, vision, or lexible enrollment site. You cannot begin to enroll until October 12, 2015.
spending account beneits during the Open enrollment will last from Monday, October 12 through Saturday,
plan year unless you experience a October 31. Your new elections will start on December 1, 2015.
qualifying life event.
1. Visit
A qualifying life event is a change in
your personal life that may impact your 2. Enter your username and password
eligibility or dependent’s eligibility for
beneits. Examples of some qualifying a. Your username is up to the irst six letters of your last name,
events include the following. irst letter of your irst name, and the last four digits of your
Social Security number
„ Change of legal marital status
or domestic partner status (e.g.,
marriage, divorce, death of spouse, b. Your password is your full (nine-digit) Social Security number
legal separation) without dashes

„ Change in number of dependents c. The online enrollment site will assist you through the
(e.g., birth, adoption, death of
dependent, ineligibility due to age) enrollment process

„ Change in employment or job d. Be sure to have your dependent information available during
status enrollment (Social Security numbers, birthdates, etc.)

It is your responsibility to log into
the MGBW online enrollment site as 3. Once you’ve completed the online enrollment process, be sure to
described to the right on this page and print your elections for your personal records
make your necessary changes online
within 30 days of the qualifying life If you have questions while going through the enrollment site or
event. Failure to log in to the system trouble logging in, please contact the Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
and request your changes within 30 call center at 844.863.5934. The call center representative can also
days will prohibit your ability to change help you complete your enrollment. The call center is available from
your beneits election(s).
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST.

If you waive beneits at this time, the next opportunity will be at open

enrollment in October 2016 with the exception of the post-tax beneits
(voluntary life, voluntary AD&D, voluntary STD, voluntary LTD,
speciied disease, and permanent whole life). Please also note if you
do not elect voluntary STD, LTD, and life during this initial election
period, you will be required to complete evidence of insurability prior
to being covered in the future.


2015 Open Enrollment
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