Page 18 - Longacre 2017 Catalog
P. 18

Laser Scale                                                                           Easy to use:
           Pad Leveler                                                                        First use the level vial to
                                                                                              accurately level all four
                                                                                             individual scale pads. Next
           New model                                                                    turn the laser on, put it on top of
                                                                            one pad (this is your baseline pad) and point it at
                                                                  This      another one. Put the measuring tab on this pad and
           If you don't level                               use system helps   slide it sideways until one of the white dots shows
                                                                            brightest in the laser beam. That dot is marked how
           your scale pads your                       you level each pad, then   much higher or lower it is than the baseline pad.
           'accurate setup' goes                helps you bring all four at the same   Raise or lower that pad until the dot at Level shows
           out the window!                height – to closer than .050".    brightest. Do the same for the other two pads and
           #72977 ..................$89.95  Uses a high-sensitivity machinist leveling vial.   you have a precisely leveled surface for the most
                                                                            accurate setups possible.
                                    (NOT the hardware store type)

                                                                                    Handy Scale Cart
                                                                                    •  Convenient storage at
                                                                                     the track or in the shop
                                                                                    •  Cart holds the control
                                                                                     box at just the right
                                                                                    •  Rolls around the shop
                                                                                     and pits with ease
                                                                                    •  Pads slide in on a steep
                                                                                     angle – easier to get in
                                                                                     and out, won’t come out
                                                                                     in transit
                                                                                    •  Durable powder coated
                                                                                    #72304 ................. $398.00
                                                                                    (comes assembled – just bolt on handle & wheels)
                                                                                    (for 4 – 15" x 15" low profile pads)

           Rolling                                         Scale Pad
           Storage                                         Storage Boxes
           Case For
           Wireless Scales                                 •  Padded lining keeps pads protected
                                                           •  Heavy duty aluminum frame with
           •  Wireless scale pads have electronics and should be   scuff-resistant sides
            protected                                      •  Could also be used for radios or
           •  Store the tablet or display in the top with room for other   other equipment
            tools too – tire gauge and pyrometer, stopwatch, etc.
                                                           #72292 ......................... $198.00
           #72294 ...........$298.00 (for 4 – 15" x 15" low profile pads)  (for 4 – 15" x 15" low profile pads)
                                                           #72280 ..................................$189.00
                                                           (for 4 – 12" x 12" pads)

                                    Rolling Scale
                                 Pad Storage Box
                                  (same as above less top case)
                                      •  Dividers separate   Gas Can
                                          pads, can be
                                          removed for      Weigher
                                         wide open box     •  Reads to 1/10 lb.,
                                         •  Carpet lined    350 lbs. capacity
                                              for pad      •  Weigh gas can during
                                            protection      a pit stop to determine
                                             #72295         fuel used
                                            $259.00        •  12” x 12” platform
                                          (for 4 – 15" x 15"
                                         low profile pads)  #72330 ......$749.00
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