Page 8 - 2020 MVPC Annual Report
P. 8


                                                                          Route 495 bridge replacement, Photo by MassDOT April 2020

         As an important data resource for the region, MVPC     MVPC completed the Coordinated Public Transit Hu-
         Transportation staff continued collecting traffic counts   man Services Transportation Plan, which identifies the
         with an eye toward COVID-related trends and impacts    unmet transportation needs for seniors and individu-
         sidewalk data and turning movements across the re-     als with disabilities in the region as well as strategies
         gion. To further enhance our work to help communi-     for addressing them.  Staff also worked with the Mer-
         ties improve management of their infrastructure, we    rimack Valley Regional Transit Authority on such tasks
         coordinated with the GIS Department to implement       as finalizing a Bus Route Marker project used to im-
         the new “Cartegraph OMS” system, a web-based           prove its public-facing transit app, developing the Au-
         pavement management system that connects to            thority’s Regional Transit Plan, updating its fixed route
         MVPC’s GIS ecosystem, substantially improving staff’s   bus maps, completing ADA analyses of the MVRTA’s
         ability to collect and manage road surface condition   demand response transit services and reviewing rid-
         data, produce maps and other graphics, and perform     ership on the Authority’s Boston Commuter Bus ser-
         various roadway surface maintenance budgeting          vice.
         analyses. This technology was then used in the Town
         of Groveland as MVPC assisted that community in im-
         plementing a Pavement Management Program.
         MVPC worked with communities and MassDOT to de-
         velop the FFY 2021-2025 Transportation Improvement
         Program (TIP), which includes roadway improvement
         projects, bridge replacements, and multi-use trail con-

         struction across the region, as well as the replacement
         of nine MVRTA fixed route buses. Additionally, staff
         initiated several transportation studies and developed
         the MVMPO’s FY21 Unified Planning Work Program,                 The MVRTA provides services to people of all ages and abilities
                                                                                           Photo by More Advertising/MVRTA
         which will include several traffic studies and safety
         audits across the region.  Staff also developed a list of
         transportation projects that received federal funding     For more information on MVPC Transportation programs visit:
         obligations in 2020.                            

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