Page 3 - Rehband MAD Catalogue 2019.indd
P. 3

about rehband                                            key FUNCTIONS                                            Results

      With 60 years of know-how, one foot in                   The key functions of Rehband’s selection                     W C R          W C R          W C R
      medical science and one foot on the sports               of supports are warmth, compression and a
      field we know how to enable your full                    strengthening of the receptive input. These
      potential. Wherever you push your limits,                create a unique composition which together
      wherever you strive for greatness, Rehband               prevent injuries, enhance performance and ease
      will be there supporting you. We know that               rehabilitation of injuries.                                Prevention    Performance   Rehabilitation
      you don’t settle for anything but the best
      when it comes to your choices in life.                                                                                   C R            C R             W

      Just like you, we love an active lifestyle and           WARMTH
      just like you we want to keep moving.                    Warmth provides many medical benefits to the
      Trusting Rehband will enable your full                   musculoskeletal system. It reduces muscle and             Save Energy     Stability      Warm Up
      potential, today and tomorrow.                           joint pain, such as myo- and tendinopathies or
                                                               other soft tissue ailments, through improved blood
                                                               circulation to the affected body part.                          C R           C R            C R

                                                               COMPRESSION                                              Proprioception  Body Control  Coordination

                                                               Compression, as part of the effective benefits
                                                               of the Rehband support is divided into three                    W C           C R            C R
                                                               components: increased tissue pressure, senso-
                                                               motoric improvement of performance and external
                                                               stabilization of joints.

                                                                                                                           Blood         Balance       Feeling Of
                                                                                                                         Circulation                     Safety

                                                                                                                               W C           W C
                                                               RECEPTIVE INPUT

                                                               Rehband explains receptive input as the body’s
                                                               feedback to the brain. This feedback is a
                                                               combination of proprioception, balance and
                                                                                                                           Quicker      Pain Relief
                                                               altered sensation of pain.                                 Recovery
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