Page 4 - ToeSox-Spring-Summer-2020-Catalogue
P. 4


                  In our quest to be the best, we also want to do our best. That means being thoughtful in how we
                  make our products, and how we treat people and the planet along the way. This is how we make
                  change happen…

                                                                                        TOESOX DIFFERENCE

                                                                                        We source certified & ecologically produced organic cotton using specialty farmers to
                                                                                        deliver the highest quality cotton.

                                                                                        MINIMAL WASTE PACKAGING

                                                                                        We choose to print less – in our marketing & in our office. Print materials, like
                                                                                        catalogs and packaging, use recycled content & soy-based inks.

                                                                                        ETHICAL SOURCING

                                                                                        We manufacture at facilities that are safe for workers & source fibers that are
                                                                                        natural, recycled, or sustainable whenever possible. It’s important that our
                                                                                        products - from fiber to final package - are in alignment with our values to
                                                                                        support the environment and its communities.

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