Page 103 - Michigan Drill
P. 103

Carbide Tipped Drills

              High Speed Steel Body

            Jobber Length
              List No. CT830 – 118° Point
               These Carbide Tipped Drills are designed for drilling abrasive and
               nonferrous materials such as castings, hard rubber and copper alloys.
               They are NOT recommended for drilling steel or other ferrous materials.                                  HOLE MAKING
              Metric Sizes

                        Decimal   Flute    Overall                          Decimal    Flute   Overall
               Size                                  Price          Size                                  Price
                       Equivalent  Length  Length                          Equivalent  Length  Length
              3.00      .1181     1-5/8    2-3/4     21.79         7.50      .2953    3-1/16    4-3/8     30.37
              3.10      .1220     1-5/8    2-3/4     23.20         8.00      .3150    3-3/16    4-1/2     32.13
              3.20      .1260     1-5/8    2-3/4     23.20         8.50      .3346    3-7/16    4-3/4     33.19
              3.30      .1299     1-3/4    2-7/8     23.20         9.00      .3543    3-1/2     4-7/8     34.31
              3.50      .1378     1-3/4    2-7/8     23.20         9.50      .3740    3-5/8     5         35.13
              4.00      .1575     2-1/8    3-1/4     24.61         10.00     .3937    3-3/4     5-1/8     37.31
              4.50      .1772     2-3/16   3-3/8     24.61         10.50     .4134    3-15/16   5-3/8     40.44
              5.00      .1969     2-7/16   3-5/8     25.62         11.00     .4331    4-1/16    5-1/2     42.72
              5.50      .2165     2-1/2    3-3/4     25.92         11.50     .4528    4-3/16    5-5/8     42.72
              6.00      .2362     2-3/4    4         26.62         12.00     .4724    4-3/8     5-7/8     52.16
              6.40      .2520     2-7/8    4-1/8     28.06         12.50     .4921    4-1/2     6         60.13
              6.50      .2559     2-7/8    4-1/8     28.06         13.00     .5118    4-1/2     6         66.90
              7.00      .2756     2-7/8    4-1/8     29.13

            Taper Shank
              List No. CT820 – 118° Point
               Provides excellent wear resistance when cutting aluminum castings,
               bronze, cast and ductile irons, fiberglass, hard plastics and other non
               ferrous materials. NOT recommended for steel applications.
                       Dec.    Flute  Overall  Morse  Price                 Dec.   Flute   Overall  Morse  Price
               Size                                                Size
                      Equiv.  Length  Length  Taper   Each                 Equiv.  Length  Length  Taper   Each
              1/8      .1250   1-7/8   5-1/8    1    38.04        11/16    .6875   5-3/8   9-1/4    2     117.90
              9/64     .1406   2-1/8   5-3/8    1    38.04        45/64    .7031   5-5/8   9-1/2    2     125.57
              5/32     .1563   2-1/8   5-3/8    1    40.08        23/32    .7188   5-5/8   9-1/2    2     121.10
              11/64    .1719   2-1/2   5-3/4    1    40.79        47/64    .7344   5-7/8   9-3/4    2     128.17
              3/16     .1875   2-1/2   5-3/4    1    40.79        3/4      .7500   5-7/8   9-3/4    2     123.60
              13/64    .2031   2-3/4   6        1    43.12        49/64    .7656   6       9-7/8    2     133.94
              7/32     .2188   2-3/4   6        1    43.12        25/32    .7813   6-1/8   9-7/8    2     135.26
              15/64    .2344   2-7/8   6-1/8    1    47.50        51/64    .7969   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     138.34
              1/4      .2500   2-7/8   6-1/8    1    47.50        13/16    .8125   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     146.77
              17/64    .2656   3       6-1/4    1    49.38        53/64    .8281   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     157.93
              9/32     .2813   3       6-1/4    1    48.48        27/32    .8438   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     157.21
              19/64    .2969   3-1/8   6-3/8    1    49.38        55/64    .8594   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     148.86
              5/16     .3125   3-1/8   6-3/8    1    48.48        7/8      .8750   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     148.86
              21/64    .3281   3-1/4   6-1/2    1    62.75        57/64    .8906   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     152.75
              11/32    .3438   3-1/4   6-1/2    1    61.61        29/32    .9063   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     152.75
              23/64    .3594   3-1/2   6-3/4    1    62.75        59/64    .9219   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     159.46
              3/8      .3750   3-1/2   6-3/4    1    61.61        15/16    .9375   6-1/8   10-3/4   3     159.46
              25/64    .3906   3-5/8   7        1    72.84        61/64    .9531   6-3/8   11       3     171.13
              13/32    .4063   3-5/8   7        1    71.50        31/32    .9688   6-3/8   11       3     168.70
              27/64    .4219   3-7/8   7-1/4    1    72.84        63/64    .9844   6-3/8   11       3     171.13
              7/16     .4375   3-7/8   7-1/4    1    71.50        1       1.0000   6-3/8   11       3     165.99
              29/64    .4531   4-1/8   7-1/2    1    88.07        1-1/32  1.0313   6-1/2   11-1/8   3     205.20
              15/32    .4688   4-1/8   7-1/2    1    86.47        1-3/64  1.0469   6-5/8   11-1/4   3     215.00
              31/64    .4844   4-3/8   8-1/4    2    88.07        1-1/16  1.0625   6-5/8   11-1/4   4     207.90
              1/2      .5000   4-3/8   8-1/4    2    90.79        1-5/64  1.0781   6-7/8   12-1/2   4     216.00
              33/64    .5156   4-5/8   8-1/2    2    98.59        1-3/32  1.0938   6-7/8   12-1/2   4     225.00
              17/32    .5313   4-5/8   8-1/2    2    95.07        1-1/8   1.1250   7-1/8   12-3/4   4     230.58
              35/64    .5469   4-7/8   8-3/4    2    99.93        1-9/64  1.1406   7-1/4   12-7/8   4     266.22
              9/16     .5625   4-7/8   8-3/4    2    96.36        1-5/32  1.1563   7-1/4   12-7/8   4     261.00
              37/64    .5781   4-7/8   8-3/4    2   104.59        1-11/64  1.1719  7-3/8   13       4     268.97
              19/32    .5938   4-7/8   8-3/4    2   100.87        1-3/16  1.1875   7-3/8   13       4     263.70
              39/64    .6094   4-7/8   8-3/4    2   119.03        1-13/64  1.2031  7-1/2   13-1/8   4     284.67
              5/8      .6250   4-7/8   8-3/4    2   114.77        1-7/32  1.2188   7-1/2   13-1/8   4     279.00
              41/64    .6406   5-1/8   9        2   126.20        1-15/64  1.2344  7-7/8   13-1/2   4     288.25
              21/32    .6563   5-1/8   9        2   121.69        1-1/4   1.2500   7-7/8   13-1/2   4     282.60
              43/64    .6719   5-3/8   9-1/4    2   122.27
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