Page 150 - Michigan Drill
P. 150


            Pilot Counterbores

              High Speed Steel
      COUNTERBORES  4-Flute Aircraft Short Series
               For use with interchangeable Pilots
               Used to enlarge the openings of a hole to allow room for the head
               of a screw. Also for general purpose counterboring and spot facing.

              List No. 503 – 1/4" straight shank
                9/32         Pilot     Overall     35.72             21/32        Hole     Overall      50.84
                5/16         3/32      2-3/8       35.72             23/32        3/16      3-1/8       56.25
                11/32        3/32      2-3/8       36.49             3/4          3/16      3-1/8       56.25
                3/8          3/32      2-3/8       36.49             25/32        3/16      3-1/8       62.38
                13/32        1/8       2-13/16     39.11             13/16        3/16      3-1/8       62.38
                7/16         1/8       2-13/16     39.11             27/32        3/16      3-1/8       66.33
                15/32        1/8       2-13/16     40.17             7/8          3/16      3-1/8       66.33
                1/2          1/8       2-13/16     40.66             29/32        3/16      3-1/8       70.34
                17/32        1/8       2-13/16     41.18             15/16        3/16      3-1/8       70.34
                9/16         1/8       2-13/16     41.71             31/32        3/16      3-1/8       73.72
                19/32        1/8       2-13/16     48.23             1            3/16      3-1/8       73.72
                5/8          1/8       2-13/16     48.23
            4-Flute Aircraft Long Series
              List No. 504 – 1/2" or smaller straight shank
                        Shank     Pilot   Overall    Price                   Shank    Pilot   Overall    Price
               Size                                                 Size
                       Diameter   Hole    Length     Each                   Diameter  Hole    Length     Each
               1/4       15/64    3/32    4         39.08           25/32    1/2      3/16     5-3/8     72.17
               9/32      17/64    3/32    4         39.06           13/16    1/2      3/16     5-3/8     72.17
               5/16      19/64    3/32    4         41.71           27/32    1/2      3/16     5-3/8     85.00
               11/32     5/16     3/32    4         43.70           7/8      1/2      3/16     5-3/8     79.36
               3/8       5/16     3/32    4         44.22           29/32    1/2      3/16     5-3/8    102.00
               13/32     3/8      1/8     4         45.04           15/16    1/2      3/16     5-3/8     94.67
               7/16      3/8      1/8     4         46.82           31/32    1/2      3/16     5-3/8    102.00
               15/32     7/16     1/8     4-1/4     46.82           1        1/2      3/16     5-3/8     94.67
               1/2       7/16     1/8     4-1/4     49.78           1-1/16   1/2      3/16     5-1/2    111.96
               17/32     1/2      1/8     4-1/4     49.78           1-1/8    1/2      3/16     5-1/2    113.69
               9/16      1/2      1/8     4-1/4     52.13           1-3/16   1/2      3/16     5-1/2    126.57
               19/32     1/2      1/8     4-1/4     54.75           1-1/4    1/2      1/4      5-1/2    136.10
               5/8       1/2      1/8     4-1/4     55.47           1-5/16   1/2      1/4      5-1/2    153.80
               21/32     1/2      3/16    5-3/8     58.08           1-3/8    1/2      1/4      5-1/2    158.64
               11/16     1/2      3/16    5-3/8     59.24           1-7/16   1/2      1/4      5-1/2    163.18
               23/32     1/2      3/16    5-3/8     66.43           1-1/2    1/2      1/4      5-1/2    163.18
               3/4       1/2      3/16    5-3/8     68.64           1-3/4    1/2      1/4      5-1/2    215.00
            Carbide Tipped
              List No. CT500 – Straight Shank
              List No. CT501 – Taper Shank                                       Price Each            Price Each
                          Minimum     Pilot    Shank       No. of      Overall  Straight Shank   Morse  Taper Shank
                            Cut       Hole    Diameter     Flutes      Length     CT500     Taper No.   CT501
               1/4         .1140      3/32     15/64         3        3-13/16     102.87       1        102.87
               5/16        .1140      3/32     19/64         3        3-13/16     112.52       1        112.52
               3/8         .1820      5/32     5/16          3        4-1/16      116.11       1        116.11
               7/16        .1820      5/32     3/8           3        4-1/16      119.30       1        119.30
               1/2         .2280      3/16     7/16          3        4-5/16      131.66       1        131.66
               9/16        .2280      3/16     1/2           3        4-5/16      134.13       1        134.13
               5/8         .2280      3/16     1/2           3        5-1/8       137.72       2        137.72
               11/16       .2280      3/16     1/2           3        5-1/8       145.30       2        145.30
               3/4         .2900      1/4      1/2           3        5-3/8       147.77       2        147.77
               13/16       .2900      1/4      5/8           3        5-3/8       150.40       2        150.40
               7/8         .2900      1/4      3/4           3        5-3/8       158.06       2        158.06
               15/16       .2900      1/4      3/4           3        6-1/8       162.37       3        162.37
               1           .3530      5/16     3/4           3        6-3/8       166.11       2        169.89
               1           .3530      5/16     3/4           3        6-3/8         —          3        169.89
               1-1/16      .3530      5/16     3/4           3        6-3/8       168.27       3        174.65
               1-1/8       .3530      5/16     1             3        6-3/8       173.61       3        180.15
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